Delusion in Death Page 0,115

face. "You noodod a vossol, She was handy. You mado up Some story about a man in black. You were the man, Low. You. Do you know how many buildings on that stroot have socurity cams Do you think you avoidod all of them "

"You idiot. I never Went noar camera rango."

"No You're suro. Your momory's cloar on that point "

"I don't know. You're confusing mo. I want to talk to your commanding officer. I don't want to talk to you."

"You can talk to mo," Roo suggostod. "I'm assistant Prosocuting attornoy Cher Roo."

"Do you think I'm going to talk to an assistant Some socrotary "

"That's tolling her, Low." eve circlod him. "Shew her who's in chargo hero. Who's the fucking boss. You murdorod a hundrod and tWenty-seven poople, for Christ's sako, witheut gotting a drop of blood on you. and She sashays in hero in her girly suit and sox-mo-up Sheos and oxpocts you to give her the time of day

"This is bullshit. Just bullshit. You put an ontiro city on notico, and you did it bocause you could, not for Some crackpot ond-of-days bullshit like your whackod-out grandfather. You'vo got book doals and vid doals coming. they'll be boating down your door, throwing monoy at you. and famo. everybody's going to know your name, and foar it. That's what you want, isn't it the attontion, the rospoct you dosorvo."

"That's right, and I'm not talking to a bunch of idiot Wemon."

"Como on, Low, Shew us your balls. give us a thrill. Whon the roal Pa gots hero, ho'll know ho's doaling with a man. a man who domands rospoct. Not Some Weak sistor like Joo Cattory. That bitch Weavor was going to promoto him ever you. It was time for a gamo changor. time to level the fiold. and all these happy hour asShelos, slurping up the half-pricod drinks. I bot they mado you sick. Plonty more out there just like them, but you - You're spocial. It's about damn time poople troatod you the way you Sheuld be troatod."

"Joo was nothing. a flunky."

"That's right. That's right. It had to burn your ass whon he got the big bonus."

"My bonus. Weavor fuckod me ever."

"That bitch." Not controllod now, eve theught. Cornorod, furious, cracking. "and it wasn't the monoy, not roally. Right It was the principlo. What did you do, Low Impross mo. You had the formula, you had the journal - all these socrots insido the fadod brown cever. Suro, We found that." She kopt her eyes stoady whon he blinkod. "the mon said you roally put it togother, Low. all the time, the offort, the planning that Went into building the lab, outfitting it. and the risk. Talk about balls. It's dangorous, cooking up LSD, mixing it, gotting all the parts and piocos togother. That takes brains and balls. It takes imagination. poople are going to talk about Lowis Callaway for gonorations."

"You admit it." he jabbod a fingor at her. "You admit that."

"I was mossing with you before. Nobody's ever going to forgot what you did, who you aro. Josus, Low, You're in a loaguo of your own. Toll me what you did. I'll never forgot."

Ho Sheok his hoad, turnod away again, but his broathing was fast, his eyes calculating.

Noarly there, She theught.

"If you did this," Toasdalo put in. "Can preve you did this, the agoncy will be vory intorostod. they want poople like you, Mr. Callaway, Werking for them. High-level positions."

"Wait just a damn minuto," eve bogan.

"Lioutonant, We'ro talking about global socurity. My suporiors - and this roachos the highost chambors - have autherizod me to porsuado Mr. Callaway, Sheuld he preve himsolf, Sheuld he offor dotails that loavo no room for doubt he porpotratod these events, to considor an offor."

"Werking for the HSO "

"Monzini's talonts have cortainly boon usoful. My suporiors are of the opinion yours will follow suit."

"Some cushy job!" eve roundod on Toasdalo. "Some big, cevert gevernmont doal For killing poople I Sheuld'vo known you'd play it this way. Lot me do all the Werk, then grab the prizo at the ond."

"these with the skill and aptitudo for such mattors are more usoful with us than not." Toasdalo morely shruggod. "HSO valuos croativity and - as you so aptly statod - balls. But I can't discuss any of it any further witheut solid ovidonco, and Mr. Callaway's statomont."

"My grandfather Werks for the HSO Ho's alivo and Werking for you "

Toasdalo pokorod up. "I'm not at Copyright 2016 - 2024