The Delivery of Decor (Shiloh Ridge Ranch in Three Rivers #7) - Liz Isaacson Page 0,61

“I’m okay now,” she said. “You can go.”

“Gal,” Cactus called, and the dog’s ears perked up. She lifted her head and looked toward him, then trotted away.

Dot met Ward’s gaze. “I’m feeling better already.”

“Mm hm,” he said, clearly not believing her.

“I just need to eat. I haven’t eaten yet today, and that’s not great for me.” She took a breath, and the waxed paper that had enveloped her mind lifted.

“Do you need more juice?” Etta asked.

Dot tilted her head back and looked at her. “No, but thank you so much, Etta. It’s helping a ton.” She wasn’t going to jump to her feet and do a jig or anything, but the confusion and the numb lips had already started to fade.

“Tell me what you want to eat,” Ward said, oh-so-serious.

She hated that she’d blown up his plans—again. “You wanted to shower.” Foolishness filled her. “Put in a pizza. That’s fine. I need some carbohydrates, and that’s perfect.”

“I’m not leaving you alone,” he said.

“You can shower here,” Etta said, coming around the couch. “I’ll sit with her if she doesn’t mind watching me fill out forms.” She wore a bright smile, and Dot didn’t mind at all. “Plus, Sammy’s bringing down the baby in a few minutes, and he is the cutest little thing you’ve ever seen.”

Etta sat on the end of the neighboring couch, her blue eyes brilliant and beautiful.

“Et, Et,” a little boy said, and Bear lifted him over the couch to Etta.

“He wants you too, Etta,” Bear said. “You won’t be able to handle Russell too.”

“I will too,” Etta said, settling the toddler on her lap. “The forms can wait. Besides.” She looked at Dot. “Dot can help me with Stetson.”

“Sure,” Dot said, completely enamored by the little boy in her lap. He had dark hair that a lot of the other Glovers did, but his eyes were exactly like sapphires. He had round cheeks and chubby fingers, and he made a grunting noise as he lifted a toy lizard into the air.

He looked at Etta and said, “Et, Et,” again, and Dot realized he was saying her name.

“Yes, you love Auntie Etta,” she said, cuddling him close. “But I don’t know what the lizard says, buddy. What about a dog? What does the dog say?”

Stetson barked, and that made Dot giggle.

“You’re okay?” Ward rose to his feet and bent down to press a kiss to her forehead. “Really?”

“I’ll put in a pizza,” Etta said. She got to her feet and nudged Ward out from in front of Dot. “Go shower, Ward. You smell like goats and your girlfriend is okay now.” She smiled at her older brother as she handed Stetson to Dot. “You sit with Auntie Dot and tell her what a cat says.”

“Meow,” Stetson said. “Meee-oowww.”

Dot laughed again, and she watched Etta scurry into the kitchen. “I’m okay, Ward,” she said.

“You tell her the moment you’re not,” he said. “I’m going to shower, and I’m fast.”

“Don’t hurry,” she pleaded. “Please. I’m okay.”

“I’m putting you on my crew for this afternoon,” he said, making it sound like a punishment. Didn’t he know spending the afternoon with him was a prize? “I want to keep my eye on you.”

“Fine,” she said, grinning at him.

He finally broke, said, “Fine,” too, and went through the door which stood next to the fireplace.

Dot sighed and cradled Stetson close. “What does a frog say?” she asked.

The boy turned toward her, his eyes aglow. “Ribbb. Ribbb.” He blew the letter B through his lips, and Dot burst out laughing again.

She watched the door as she continued to quiz Stetson about animals, because while she adored the little boy and liked Etta, who she really wanted to be with was Ward.

A flutter moved through her stomach and into her hands. It could’ve been a tremble from her blood sugar, or it could’ve been from excitement. Dot knew, though, that she’d had a little shake of fear.

What was she thinking? Falling for another man named Ward….

Please don’t let him break my heart, she prayed, and she looked up as Sammy Glover arrived with a newborn in her arms. Etta clapped her hands and reached for the baby, her whole countenance lighting up.

“Thank you, Etta,” Sammy said with plenty of exhaustion in her voice. “I just need an hour.”

“Take all the time you need,” Etta said. “We’ll be right here, and we’ll be fine.” She tucked the infant into her arm and gazed down at him with such love, Dot could feel it filling the Copyright 2016 - 2024