The Delivery of Decor (Shiloh Ridge Ranch in Three Rivers #7) - Liz Isaacson Page 0,100

his breath, and it didn’t hover in the air in front of him, so that was something.

“Want to say a prayer real quick?” Preacher asked. “I’ll say it for you?”

“Thanks.” Ward bowed his head and pressed his cowboy hat to his chest.

“Lord,” Preacher said. “Ward is the best man I know. Well, besides Bear. And Ranger. And maybe Judge.” He started to chuckle, and Ward smiled, all of the tension and frustration leaking out through the gesture. “The point is, Lord, Ward’s good. He took care of me when others didn’t know how. He sacrifices for this ranch, and he has for a lot of years. He’s got a lot of points built up with Thee, and he’d like to cash in just a little. He loves Dot Crockett, and if there’s any way for the two of them to be together, I know he’d appreciate it. Give him courage. Give him the right thing to say. Give him increased faith in Thee and Thy plan for him.”

Preacher paused, and Ward thought that was a pretty dang perfect prayer. He waited, though, because Preacher had strong faith that had only increased over the past several months since his accident, and Ward wanted to hear what he had to say.

“Bless Mister. We know he’s hurting, and we want to do what we can for him. Help us to support him in the best way for him, not us. Bless Etta, as she has some tough things she’s dealing with.”

Ward swallowed hard, thinking he better stop by the French fry shop on his way back to the ranch tonight. Etta loved the Cajun fries, and Ward had been so consumed with Dot and then the road off the ranch that his sister’s troubles had fallen by the wayside.

“Bless Judge,” Preacher said. “With his new relationship with June. Bless Sammy and her new baby.” Preacher sighed. “We could go on and on, Lord, as even when things look so great from the outside, we know there is trouble and heartache behind closed doors. We love Thee, and strive to live Thy will, no matter what it is. Amen.”

“Amen.” Ward replaced his hat and studied the far sky again. Several long seconds passed, and then he said, “I guess I’ll go shower and go invite Dot to the party tonight.”

“Good luck.”

“Thanks, brother.” Ward grabbed onto Preacher and hugged him tight. “You’re the best man I know.” He smiled at him and turned to go.

An hour later, he pulled up to Dot’s house, having been there several times for dates in the past. The windows sat in darkness, and he had the distinct feeling she wasn’t home. He rang the doorbell anyway and listened to it sing through the house.

Even George didn’t bark, and an increased intensity of frustration filled Ward. “What do I do now?” he asked, tilting his head back toward the sky.

The immediate thought came to go see Ida and the twins, so Ward shuffled back to his truck, put the box of sugar-free fruit snacks he’d found in his pantry back on the passenger seat, and drove around the corner to his sister’s house.

Her and Brady’s windows shone with cheery, yellow light, and Ward went toward the energy pulsing from the house at a quick clip. He knocked and then simply entered the house, the sound of one crying newborn meeting his ears.

“It’s just me,” he called.

“Ward, thank the Lord,” Ida said, tears in her eyes. “Take Johnny, would you? Judy just made a huge mess.” She handed Ward the screaming baby boy and started wiping at something viscous and off-white on her black blouse. “This is a new shirt too.”

She bustled off, still sniffling, and Ward glanced around for Brady. He didn’t seem to be home, so Ward focused on the tiny baby in his arms. “Hey, now,” he said soothingly to Johnny. “You don’t need to be makin’ such a fuss.”

He bounced the boy and stepped further into the house, looking for a blanket or a pacifier. A bomb looked like it had gone off in the living room, and Ward could only stare for a moment. There were two baby swings, two baby seats, a playpen where Judy flailed her arms and legs, her own wail starting to fill the air, and plenty of other baby paraphernalia.

He spotted a pacifier and reached for it, slipping it into Johnny’s mouth. The baby tried to grab onto it immediately, but it took him a couple of tries to really get Copyright 2016 - 2024