Deja Dead Page 0,118

Do you think it’s a sexual sadist?”

I heard a rattling as he switched the phone. “Sexual sadists are turned on by their victim’s pain. They don’t just want to kill, they want their victims to suffer. And—and this is critical—they’re sexually aroused by it.”


“Part of your pattern says yes. Insertion of objects into the vagina or rectum is very common with these guys. Were your victims alive when this was done?”

“At least one. Hard to tell with the other two since the bodies were so decomposed.”

“Sounds like sexual sadism is a possibility. The real question remains, was the killer sexually aroused by his actions?”

I couldn’t answer that. No semen was found on any of the victims. I said this.

“Useful, but doesn’t rule out SS. I had one guy who’d masturbate in his victim’s hand, cut it off, then grind it up in a blender. Never found semen at the scenes.”

“How’d you get him?”

“One time his aim wasn’t so good.”

“Three of these women were dismembered. We know that for certain.”

“That may show a pattern, but it’s not proof of sexual sadism. Unless it was done before the victim’s death. Serial killers, whether sexual sadists or not, are very cunning. They put a lot of planning into their crimes. Postmortem mutilation doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a sexual or sadistic component. Some cut the body up just to make it easier to hide.”

“What about the mutilation? The hands?”

“Same answer. It’s a pattern, it’s overkill, but it may or may not be sexual. Sometimes it’s just a way of rendering the victim powerless. I do see some indicators, however. You say the victims were unknown to their killer. They were savagely beaten. Three suffered object insertion, probably antemortem. That combination is characteristic.”

I was writing furiously.

“Check whether the objects were brought to the scene or were already there. That could be part of this guy’s signature, planned as opposed to opportunistic cruelty.”

I noted it, starred it.

“What are some other characteristics of sexual sadism?”

“Patterned MO. Use of a pretext to make contact. A need to control and humiliate the victim. Excessive cruelty. Sexual arousal from the victim’s fear and pain. Keeping victim memorabilia. The—”

“What was that last one?” I was writing so fast my hand was cramping.

“Memorabilia. Souvenirs.”

“What kind of souvenirs?”

“Items from the murder scene, pieces of the victim’s clothing, jewelry, that sort of thing.”

“Newspaper clippings?”

“Sexual sadists love their own press.”

“Would they keep records?”

“Maps, diaries, calendars, drawings, you name it. Some of them make tapes. The fantasy isn’t just the kill. The stalk before and the reenactment afterward can be a big part of the turn-on.”

“If they’re so good at avoiding detection, why would they keep that stuff? Isn’t it risky?”

“Most of them think they’re superior to the cops. Too smart to get caught.”

“What about body parts?”

“What about body parts?”

“Do they keep them?”

Pause. “Not common, but sometimes.”

“So what do you think about the Métro and want ad idea?”

“The fantasies these guys act out can be incredibly elaborate and very specific. Some need special locations, exact sequences of events. Some sexual sadists need specific victim responses, so they script the whole thing, force the victim to say certain things, perform certain acts, wear certain clothes. But, Tempe, these behaviors aren’t just typical of sexual sadists. They characterize a lot of personality disorders. Don’t get hung up on the sexual sadist angle. What you want to look for is that signature, that calling card that only your killer leaves. That’s how you’ll nail him, regardless of how psychiatrists classify him. Using the Métro and newspaper could figure into your boy’s fantasy.”

“J.S., based on what I’ve told you, what do you think?”

There was a long pause, a slow expulsion of breath.

“I think you’ve got a real nasty one up there, Tempe. Tremendous anger. Extreme violence. If it is this St. Jacques character, his using the victim’s bank card bothers me. Either he’s incredibly stupid, and it doesn’t look that way, or he’s getting sloppy for some reason. Maybe sudden financial pressure. Or he’s getting bolder. The skull in your garden is a flag. He was sending a message. Maybe a taunt. Or, it’s possible that at some level he wants to be caught. I don’t like what you’re telling me about how you figure in. And it looks like you do figure in. The picture. The skull. Based on what you’ve told me, looks more like he’s taunting you.”

I told him about the night at the monastery and the car that had tailed me.

“Christ, Tempe, if this guy’s refocusing Copyright 2016 - 2024