Defining the Rules - Mariah Dietz Page 0,71

together, either.”

“Did you live with your mommy, too?”

I nod. “I did.”

“Did you miss your daddy?”

The question shines a small light into a very dark room, one filled with years of questions and doubts. Thoughts of how I should feel and failed expectations wrapped with realities of monthly phone calls, annual visits, and intervening on things he was never there for. “Do you miss your dad?” I ask her instead.

She nods but doesn’t say anything. “But I also miss my mom. She likes to cuddle, and we make blueberry pancakes together.”

Then, like a switch is flipped, Sierra’s attention goes back to the TV as she gives me more backstory about the show she’s watching. I do my best to listen.

“You ladies all caught up on your beauty shop chatter?” Dominic asks, again butchering the Southern twang, as Arlo appears behind him, wincing like he understands how much it hurts me not to say anything.

I glance at Sierra. “Thanks for hanging out with me. I hope you have a good night.”

“Bye, Olivia,” she calls waving and then lifts her Barbie so her Barbie can wave at me as well.

“How’d it go? Were you guys able to figure out what was wrong?”

Dominic smiles. “He’s a car guy. I approve. It was a piece of cake. A simple oh-two replacement.”

Arlo grins when I glance in his direction for a translation of what that means. “You ready?”

I nod. “Thanks again, Dominic.”

His smile is sincere. Aside from his continued attempts to speak with a Southern accent, he’s a good guy, who I’ve seen help multiple neighbors, including Rose and me. “It’s the least I can do after you shared your recipe for sloppy joes. Sierra and I both had second helpings, didn’t we, Sierra?” He looks at her, but she’s consumed with her show. He nods. “She did.”

I chuckle. “I’m glad. You guys have a great night.”

As I step outside, Arlo bumps his arm against mine. “Should I try talking with a Southern accent?”

“Why? Your Russian accent was so great. You definitely shouldn’t deviate.”

“Let’s go, Tatyana. We have work to do,” he says in his thick Russian accent that is a hairbreadth better than Dominic’s attempts.



“What was happening in this picture?” I ask, flipping it around so Liv can see the image.

She glances up and scoffs, her blue eyes quickly turning to me before returning to the large stack of photos in her hand.

“No, this needs some subtext.”

“I liked to dress up.”

I look at the photo again of Liv, and the back tells me she’s four at the time. She’s wearing a giant beige bra, the cups nearly hitting her stomach, and a pair of high heels that are also far too big for her. “Does this still happen? What night of the week can I catch the show?”

She launches a pillow at me, her cheeks staining a light pink as she finally laughs.

“Are you going to tell me why we’re looking for this picture? Does it have something to do with that woman who cursed me?”

It’s been an hour since she told me we were looking for the name ‘Ellen,’ the same name I remember that woman saying to Liv when we approached her about my curse.

Liv sobers, and for a moment, she’s looking at me so intensely I’m sure she’s going to launch into a story with a plot twist like that from Fight Club, but then she returns her attention to the pictures she’s sorting through.

“Sorry, did you just answer using telepathy? Because I’m not adept at that process yet. I’ll need you to say those words again, but this time aloud.”

“Should we order pizza?” she asks.


“You said your mom always got you pizza when your heart was broken. It seems appropriate tonight.”

I can’t believe I told her that. I can’t believe she remembers. But more importantly, I can’t figure out why she thinks I’m heartbroken.

“First, good memory, Tex,” she rolls her eyes, but I power through, “and second, what makes you think I’m heartbroken?”

“Because of what happened with your ex today. I mean, it’s got to hurt closing that chapter of your life,” she says, casting her eyes down, shuffling through the pictures she’s still holding.

I place my hand on hers to stop her fidgeting and bring her attention back to me. “Olivia, I’m not heartbroken. Jade and I were over the day I got injured, and she dumped me. If anything, I’m happy because closing that chapter of my life means I can start on my next.”

“Oh yeah? And what does Copyright 2016 - 2024