Defining the Rules - Mariah Dietz Page 0,136


“Olivia, your dad revoked his scholarship and had him kicked out of school. He’s leaving back to New Jersey.”

“What? Why? When?”

“That fight.”

“But he didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Olivia, I know you and your dad are in a bad place, but maybe you can talk to him—make him see reason.”

My heart is beating too hard and fast in my chest as her words replay again and again. “Why didn’t Arlo call me?”

“He didn’t want me to tell you. He doesn’t want to make things worse with your dad.”

“So he was just going to leave without telling me?”

“He said he was going to wait until you’re back, but I knew you’d want to know.”

“Of course, I want to know.” I take a deep breath, quickly realizing my tone makes me sound angry when it’s utter terror that’s laced around me like a corset. “I’m going to see if I can get a flight back. I have to go, but I’ll call you as soon as I find out when I can get home.”

“I’m so sorry. I know you were really looking forward to this trip, and I know how much it means to you to be there.”

I shake my head. “No. I’m glad you called.”

“I love you, Olivia.”

“I love you, too.”

“Everything okay?” Sophia calls from behind me.

I turn around, the air crossing my face makes me realize I’ve started to cry again.

God. When did I become so emotional?

“I need to go.”

“What’s wrong?” Sophia asks.

“There’s been a misunderstanding, and I need to fix it because otherwise, I’m going to lose someone really important to me.”

Sophia’s gaze travels slowly over my face. “A guy?”

I nod. “What about Matt?” she asks.

“Matt and I have been trying to force things to work between us for years, and a part of me will always love him, but not in the same way I care about Arlo.”

“You just got here.”

“I know, and I miss you. I miss you so much, and I miss the weather and the food and everyone here, but I’ve been holding onto memories, counting down the time until I was back here rather than living my life.”

Sophia nods. “I understand. I mean, so much has changed in four years, and I still miss you terribly, but you deserve to be happy.”

I hug my oldest friend, realizing that the secrets we shared and the experiences are vast and precious, and yet the relationship I have with Rose I would miss even more than I’ve missed being here. “Do you mind telling everyone I have to go? I’m going to get a Lyft and pack. I need to leave tonight.”

“I’ve got it handled. Maybe this summer, I can come to visit you?”

I smile, feeling a wave of something sweet and warm in my heart. “I’d really love that.”

I barely have time to get through security before reaching my gate and boarding. I send off a quick text to Rose with my flight information and then scroll down to Arlo.

Me: Why didn’t you tell me about your conversation with my dad?

Arlo: I don’t want to make things worse between you guys.

Me: What were you going to do? Just leave?

Arlo: You’re going to be returning to Texas in another year.

Anger and pride bristle and make my jaw flex as uncertainty plagues my thoughts.

I shove my phone into my purse, too angry and vulnerable to respond to him.

It’s just after seven when Rose flings herself at me as I pass through the security checkpoint. She holds me so tight, it’s painful, but I don’t move away from her because although I’ve been gone barely more than a day, I’ve missed her so much it hurts. I didn’t realize just how much our friendship means and how much I rely on her and share with her until this morning, and I have no idea how I’ve been so blind.

“Let’s get your bags,” Rose says, gripping my hand and tugging me forward.

“What did Arlo say exactly? Did he give you any details?” I ask.

Rose shakes her head. “Just that he was cut from the team and expelled from Brighton.”

“I can’t believe my dad would do that.”

“Do you think there’s any chance it can be reversed?”

I shake my head. “I have no idea. I never ask questions about this stuff.”

We wait a painfully long time to get my suitcases and then head for the exit, determination quickening our steps. The air is cold and damp, making me retract for a moment. Just a few hours ago, I was outside of the pizza restaurant Copyright 2016 - 2024