Defining Darkness - K E Osborn Page 0,89

of punishment.”

“You don’t know how right you are. They could have de-patched me or taken my presidency… or yeah, killed me. What I got was the tame version. I got off lightly. All the other variations would have involved some form of torture. Jameson’s tough but fair. I did the club wrong, so the punishment must fit the crime. As I said, I got off lightly.”

“You knew, right back when you first took me, you knew something like this would happen.”

His hand comes up stopping me as his swollen eyes meet mine. “And I’d do it all over again for you, Eva.”

My stomach flutters in butterflies. Nycto knew from the moment he saw me we’d end up here. I think I did too in some ways. I refused to believe it being so caught up in finding my sister. I’m not sure we had love at first sight, that would be impossible, but we knew there was chemistry. There was something physically pulling us together.

You can’t have the light without the dark.

And together, we’re just that little bit of both each other needs to survive.

“I’d prefer if you didn’t...”

He lets out a small laugh, then groans from the pain.

“I appreciate your sacrifice, Nycto. It means so much to Ivy and me.”

He squeezes my hand, then stretches a little because no more words need to be said. Now it’s time to get on with our lives.

“Right, I need food. Shall we face the music?”

I nod my head, stand, and help Nycto up. Wrapping my arm around his waist, he loops his arm over my shoulder to help him walk. He’s not crippled, but he’s not stable either.

“Okay, let’s go,” he says.

We walk out into the bustling clubroom, and all eyes focus on us as everyone watches closely. He wobbles slightly as I grip hold to steady him. He exhales, looking out at the sea of presidents. “I want to thank you all for coming…” he pauses, catching his breath. “I knew I had this coming… I know I did the wrong thing.” He wobbles, blinking a few times. “Tampa won’t be dealing in trafficking anymore. We’re out.” He stops to catch his breath. “We have new business, which I’ll need to discuss with you, Jameson… when I’ve had pain meds… and maybe less knuckles to the damn head.”

A light snicker filters through the room as Jameson nods at Nycto. “You got it. But now, Nerve, get this man some drugs, some beer, and somewhere to sit with his woman while the rest of us continue to party on his dollar.”

Nycto groans as the rest of the clubroom cheers. I help Nycto move to a seat, my heart pounding ferociously as I wrap my arm around his waist, leading him into the back corner away from the excessive noise. I sit him on a chair.

Trixie steps over with a giant plate of food. “You doin’ okay today, Prez?”

He looks out at the sea of Royal Bastards with a smile. “You know, Trix, I am. I have my woman. My brothers are here in their version of support. Honestly, though, I might look like a massacre now, but I feel like a masterpiece. I’ve come full circle, and I know where my path is leading…”

“Where’s that?” Trixie asks.

He turns to face me, grabbing my hands. “Wherever Eva is.”

My heart swells. I never thought I could feel this whole. That I could ever know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I could live my life for one person. Yes, obviously, I live for Ivy too, but Nycto has taken his home in my soul.

Something changed that night we first laid eyes on each other. He was cocky, self-assured, and arrogant, yet, through the darkness, he shone so bright, the light threatening to break through. He’s so much more than he gives himself credit for. But I see him, his flaws and all. To me, he may be dark, but that doesn’t define him. It does not make him who he is because after darkness, there always comes light, and though he lives his life shrouded in darkness, hounded by the depths of his depraved past, he’s finding his way through.

With me by his side, I know we can accomplish anything.

I am his guiding light.

Just like he is my darkness.

And that is all we will ever need.



One Month Later

Things have progressed in this last month. Eva’s settled into a routine. She’s found her stride here at the clubhouse and loves life. Ivy has too. Copyright 2016 - 2024