Defiant Heir (The Heirs #3) - Michelle Heard Page 0,73

what do you have to offer my daughter?”

“Besides the financial side of things, which I’m sure you know better than me, I only have my love for her. I can promise I’ll never hurt her again. I’ll protect her with my life. I want to give her the life she deserves.”

Mr. Reyes begins to frown again. “This sounds suspiciously like you’re about to ask for my blessing.”

God, not the way I saw this conversation going.

Clearing my throat, I lift my chin. “I am.”

“Well, in that case, you need to give me a moment.”

I watch as Mr. Reyes takes his phone from his pocket, and for a second, I worry he’s going to call Fallon, but then I hear him say, “Mason, get your ass over here.” He dials another number. “Need you here.” A moment later. “I don’t care if you’re having dinner, Lake. Get your ass over to my house right now.”


Ooooh fuck.

With Hunter and Hana’s father’s coming over, I know I’m in deep shit.

When Mr. Reyes is done making the calls to his best friends, he gets up and pours two tumblers of whiskey. Holding one out to me, he says, “You’re going to need it.”

A couple of minutes later, Mr. Chargill and Mr. Cutler arrive, and as soon as my eyes land on Mr. Chargill, I hide a burst of laughter behind a fake cough. I wish I could take a photo so Hunter can see what his dad looks like right now.

“Mason, what the fuck are you wearing?” Mr. Reyes asks.

I take in the winter pajamas, a robe, and slippers.

“This is the shit Kingsley makes me wear to bed.” Mr. Chargill glares at Mr. Cutler when he begins to laugh. “You asking for a beating? It’s not like I had time to change. Falcon said it was an emergency.”

“I didn’t. I said to get your ass over here,” Mr. Reyes argues.

“Could’ve fucking fooled me,” Mr. Chargill grumbles.

Mr. Cutler comes to shake my hand. “How are you, Kao?”

“Much better, sir. Thanks for asking.”

Mr. Chargill’s eyes lock on me. “Your dad says your sight is recovering well?”

“Yes, sir.”

“That’s good to hear.” Mr. Chargill turns his attention to Mr. Reyes. “So, why are we here?”

Mr. Reyes gestures to me. “Kao’s about to ask us something.”

“Oh?” Mr. Cutler smiles at me. “What do you need.”

God have mercy on my soul if they end up killing me.

After sending up the quick prayer, I climb to my feet. I don’t know who to look at, so I settle on making eye-contact with Mr. Reyes. “I’d like your blessing.” I suck in a deep breath. “I’m going to ask Fallon to marry me.”

“Ooooh.” Mr. Cutler’s eyes widen, and then they shoot to Mr. Reyes.

Mr. Chargill is the first to respond. “You don’t think you’re both a bit young?”

I quickly shake my head. “I love her. Whether we get married now or in ten years, nothing’s going to change how I feel about her. I’m graduating in a couple of months, and we’ve talked about getting a house.”

“You have?” Mr. Reyes murmurs, way too calm for my liking.

“Yes, sir.” I swallow hard on the nerves that are grinding my gut to dust.

Mr. Chargill takes a seat on one of the couches. “I have one question.”

When Mr. Reyes sits down, I take a seat again next to Mr. Cutler.

Mr. Chargill tilts his head, and he pins me with a deadly stare. “Where were you this past Christmas break?” He shakes his head. “My goddaughter was in a world of pain, and I don’t recall seeing you offering her any comfort.”

I take in a deep breath, and after gathering my thoughts, I say, “I agree, I didn’t handle the situation well. Not at all. When I woke up, and I couldn’t see anything, I panicked.” Remember the fear and anger, I clasp my hands together. “When I learned Fallon got hurt, I lost it. I blamed myself, and I couldn’t live with the fact that I scarred the woman I love more than life itself.”

“I went to visit the accident scene,” Mr. Reyes interrupts me. “I also saw the dashcam footage.”

Dad mentioned it to me, but back then, I couldn’t see shit, so I forgot about the footage.

Mr. Reyes gets up. “I have the footage here if you’d like to see it.”

I don’t know where he’s going with this, so all I can do is nod.

I wait as Mr. Reyes switches on the TV, and then he connects his phone to it. A moment later, the Copyright 2016 - 2024