Defiant Heir (The Heirs #3) - Michelle Heard Page 0,65

gets up. “Let’s move the table to the side so we can lie down. I help him, and once we’re comfortable between all the pillows, Kao asks, “Have you forgiven me?”

I turn on my side and rest my cheek on his shoulder. “Yeah, I understand why you pushed me away.”

“Still, I hate what I did to you,” he murmurs. “But I want you to know, even though I lost my mind, I still loved you. That’s the one thing I don’t want you to ever doubt.” Kao turns, so he’s facing me, and he presses a tender kiss to my mouth. “I wish there was a way I could show you how much I love you.”

“There is,” I murmur while a bubble of happiness forms around us. “Just stay by my side and trust that I’m strong enough to handle whatever life throws at us. Don’t make decisions about us by yourself. We’re in this together.”

Kao brings his hand to my scarred cheek, and for the first time, I don’t have the urge to pull away as his fingers brush over my skin. “You’re such an amazing woman, Fallon.”

My lips curve up. “Only in your eyes.”

I curl up against Kao and watch as the stars begin to twinkle in the night sky.

This is the Kao I fell in love with. The man who moves in the shadows and avoids people like the plague, but deep down, he’s a hopeless romantic who loves with all his heart.

Even though we were ripped apart, Kao fought his way back to me.

My stubborn hermit.

I let out a chuckle.

“What?” Kao asks.

“We actually fit perfectly together. I’m a neurotic control freak, and you lock down when anything disturbs your routine. With me by your side, your days will be planned years ahead.”

Kao pulls me closer and presses his lips to my temple, then he whispers, “That’s because you’re my soul mate.”

I turn my face to his and let my eyes caress his handsome features. “I love you so much. My whole world revolves around you, Kao.”

We lie and stare at each other, and every couple of minutes, we steal a tender kiss, quietly enjoying each other.

Time fades into the night, and my heart weaves every dream, every hope, and every day that’s left of my life around Kao.

A week ago, I was an empty shell – a ghost of the woman I used to be before the accident. But then Kao came back to me, and he took every broken piece and glued me back together with his gentle nature and profound love.

As we hold hands while walking toward our villa, I’m overcome with emotion and relief that I didn’t lose him. No man would ever be able to fill the place Kao has in my heart.

He is my heart. Every single beat.

This past week it feels like I fell in love with him again. Only this time, it’s not the teenage crush I had on him, nor the contented emotions I had before the accident. Now I love him fiercely, with a desire that will never burn out.

I’m going to love him every second of every day as if I can lose him at any moment. I’ll never take him for granted again.

Kao pulls his hand free from mine then wraps his arm around my shoulders. He pulls me tightly to his side and presses a kiss to my temple.

When we walk into the villa, I come to a sudden halt as a gasp rushes over my parted lips. Lanterns have been lit, and they’re scattered around the living room, making it look like a fairyland. Soft music fills the air, and the moment is so emotional it fills my eyes with tears.

Kao shuts the door, and then he pulls me to his chest, and we begin to dance slowly. I wrap my arms around his neck and stare up at his face, my entire being bursting with something that can’t possibly just be love. This is more. It feels sacred.

Every song we sway to feels like a promise from Kao.

He lowers his head and softly brushes his lips over mine, then he pulls back an inch. I feel him breathe, and it makes my insides tighten with anticipation. Smelling his woodsy scent, feeling his arms around me, and having his sole focus on me – it makes my heartbeat speed up, and desire burns through me like a wildfire.

When Ed Sheeran’s Perfect begins to fill the air, Kao’s mouth finds mine. It’s explosive and Copyright 2016 - 2024