Defenseman No. 9 - Xavier Neal Page 0,66

toed off. Jackets are hastily shrugged away and ties tugged in frustration over being equally as difficult to get off as they are to get on. He unbuttons himself – shirt and pants – yet insists on being the one to unbutton me. Hugo’s hands and mouth, seemingly, work together to remove the layers standing between us, and the second I’m free, I push his body onto the bed, drop to my knees between his legs, and prepare to pull off the black boxer briefs.

I have just hooked onto the edges when he unsuspectingly declares, “Wait.”

And, despite the pain from my dick being so hard, I do.

Hugo shifts himself onto his elbows to meet my stare. “C-c-can we do something d-d-different tonight?”

“That was um…already my plan, Boo. I haven’t given you a bj with candy in my mouth yet.”

He lets the corner of his lips curl upward. “I-I-I meant v-v-very different.”

Intrigue shoots my eyebrows into the air.

“You top.”

Certain I misheard him, I grunt out a confused, “Huh?”

“Y-y-you…,” his heaving bare chest does its best to settle, “take me tonight.”

“Take your ass where?!”

“No ‘where’ needed on that sentence.”

I prepare to bark out more bafflement when the joke bitch slaps me. Laughs leak from me, sparking them to spring from him, too. The unexpected request has me leaning back on my heels and searching for more information. “Are you bored with me?”

Hugo’s entire frame jolts upward on a hysterical, “What?!”

“Why else would you want that shit? Why else would you wanna mix shit up?”

“B-b-because I d-d-don’t want this shit one-sided, Crash.”

There’s no stopping my brows from pinching together.

“If y-y-you wanna f-f-fuck me, I w-w-wanna let you. If you only w-w-want me to f-f-fuck you, then I’ll o-o-only fuck you.” Hugo shuts his eyes for a moment to squash his stutter. I listen to the slow calming breaths go in and out. Use them to relax me as well. Patiently wait for his eyes to open and meet mine. When he’s finally ready, he does just that. “I want us doing whatever we wanna do. I don’t give a shit if we’ve both always done things one way. I don’t give a shit if labels say I should never do this, and you should always do that. I want us okay with doing whatever it is we are okay doing. It’s our sex life. Fuck everyone else.” He folds his hands in front of him. “I’m open to trying new shit. Whatever it is we wanna try. Candy or cock.”

The end of his sentence receives the smile I know he was hoping it would. “I would never put candy up your ass.”

“Can’t say I would let you.”

Another small set of snickers swirls around the room.

For a few moments, we simply sit in the uncertainty of what’s to come next. I eventually find myself quietly confessing, “I’ve never done it before.”

Hugo’s stare stays with mine.

“I’ve never even touched a guy there.”

“I’ve never been touched there, either.”

The new information makes me both excited and irritated. “Then how do you know you would like a dick there?!”

His mouth drops with clear intent to argue; however, some unknown force stops him. Causes him to seal his lips. Shut his eyes. Breathe it out.

A different type of jealousy flips through my veins.

How the fuck does he do that?

How the fuck can he always just manage to find his calmness even in moments of obvious crisis?

Hugo lifts his lids, yet again, to meet my gaze. “Why don’t we start with the other things first?”

The suggestion has me shifting in expanded unsureness.

“Maybe use the edible lube to see if I like it with your fingers and tongue? Then…if…I do…and you want, we can move to…more.”

Shellshocked is not something I’m used to being.

Fuck, outside of Hugo, very little catches me by surprise.

And, the fact he never fails to knock me off my feet, whether it’s with thoughtfulness or playfulness or openness, is one of the reasons I love him, which is a sentiment he deserves to fucking hear.

One he should’ve heard from me a long fucking time ago.

“I love you,” I clumsily mutter.

He offers me a small smile. “Baby, you don’t have to say that shit just because I’m offering to let you put your dick in my ass.”

“Uh, correction. I should definitely be saying that shit for that reason,” I tease back, mirth sauntering through my tone, “but I um…I mean it.”

His face twitches in a silent request for me to keep going.

“I love you, Hugo. And, I know I Copyright 2016 - 2024