Defenseman No. 9 - Xavier Neal Page 0,46

over the latter has me swiftly snooping, “How many others have been in this oversized bed of yours?”


His answer is too quick and too obscure to be believable. “And, now the truthful answer that you would give if you weren’t worried about scaring me away.”

Hugo immediately stops beside the threshold to his room and questions, “When have I ever lied to you?”

The unexpected counter has me awkwardly cringing.

He leans his back against the frame at the same time he confesses, “I-I-I’m always scared of scaring you away, Crash, but I wouldn’t l-l-lie to you to stop it from happening. I-I-I would just d-d-deal with the consequences.”


How could I forget he’s one of those?

Honesty is always his first policy, damn the damage it’ll do.

Well, honesty when asked, anyway.

“Why haven’t you had other people in your bed?” I cautiously investigate. “You afraid they’ll remake it wrong in the morning or some shit?”

“Don’t make fun of me just because you never make your bed.”

Hearing his voice even back out of the wrong kind of shakes prompts me to smirk again.

“I haven’t invited others into it because I didn’t want them there.”

“But, you want me there?”

“So, fucking bad, baby.”

My teeth dig into my bottom lip over the expressed term of endearment.

I have heard that shit said a thousand ways, a thousand days, yet it’s never sounded as fucking sexy and fucking heartfelt as it just did.

Hugo catches the action and returns to tugging me towards his California King-sized bed. “You liked that shit, didn’t you?”

“Much more than you like it when I call you boo.”

“It’s growing on me…” He insists prior to pulling me into him for a kiss.

Our mouths spread, permitting our tongues to passionately tangle. Any uncertainty that was previously lingering in either of us is replaced by unwavering confidence. We exchange ferocious whips between our lips and impatiently pull at one another’s clothing until nakedness is no longer just a desired state but the only one permitted in the sheets. By the time Hugo’s cock is wrapped and liberal amounts of lube have been properly put into place, I’m panting like I’ve been dancing on tour with Beyonce for the past two hours. I initially scratch at the sheets to stop from scratching at him, yet the growled permission is promptly taken, leaving angry red lines across his pecks and pelvis. On a heavy grunt, he removes his fingers from where they’ve been relentlessly working me wide, hoists my ankles high to his shoulders, and prepares to push inside from his kneeling position.

“Wait,” I airily croak.

The exhale that escapes him shakes the entire mattress. “Yeah?”

“Aren’t you gonna,” my choppy breath increases in irregularity, “gonna…um…flip me over?”

Hugo’s expression tightens, although it’s hard to decipher if it’s in disorientation or displeasure.

“You know to uh…uh…,” the fumbling nature is foreign and not my favorite, “um…fuck me.”

An unexpected soft grin soars onto his sweaty complexion. “Look, I know it’s been over a year since I last did this shit, but I’m pretty sure, I can fuck you just like this.”

“Yeah, but then we’re face-to-face.”

His smile noticeably grows. “Exactly.”

My cock and heart swell in tandem, while Hugo returns to pressing the head of his dick against my hole. Rather than just jamming it in and getting himself significantly closer to coming, he drags the tip around in slow, concise circles, only dipping the tiniest bit in. The teasing causes my eyes to roll. My back to bow. My toes to twist. Panting becomes a thing of the past and in its place wordless whining takes the spotlight. Each gentle prod is accompanied by his own small groans that add mind-spinning vibrations to a situation that didn’t need them. He keeps up the tactful tormenting until I’m damn near driving him into me by my twitching toes.

Hugo’s initial glide in is glorious. It steals every ounce of air I have as he roots himself deep inside. There’s barely time to even fully indulge in the gratification the first pump provides before there’s a second. And a third. And a fourth. Each additional thrust not only stings deliciously more than its predecessor, it leaves me steadily leaking pre-cum all down my dick. I start to relocate my grip to my slippery cock when he beats me to it. With one hand, he savagely strokes to the same sharp rhythm he’s pounding into me. Gentleness is no longer a word in his vocabulary, and break me are the only two that seem to be in mine. He vehemently tears Copyright 2016 - 2024