A Deceptive Wager (Marriage by Design #3) - Ruth Ann Nordin Page 0,29

speak with her in private. For all I know, you’re going to have a rendezvous with her.”

Both he and Miss Britcher gasped in horror.

Kitty turned her gaze to Miss Britcher. “How do I know there’s nothing going on between you two? For all I know, you could be sneaking off to do something wrong.”

Though Aaron would never do anything with someone as plain and dull as Miss Britcher, Miss Britcher was the one who said, “That’s the most preposterous thing I’ve ever heard. Lord Northton isn’t the least bit appealing.”

His jaw dropped. How could she say such a thing?

“At least you and I finally have something in common,” Kitty told her. “I happen to agree with you.”

Aaron glared at Kitty.

The maids, who happened to be going past the room at this point with their arms full of blankets and sheets to wash, giggled. Just as Aaron was ready to yell at them to stop snooping in on other people’s conversations, they hurried off down the hall. He groaned. Good help was hard to find.

“Lady Northton is welcome to be in the room,” Miss Britcher said. “I have nothing to hide.”

Aaron glanced over at Mr. Stonewall. He couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw the gentleman smirk at him. After a moment, he decided there was no point in admonishing Miss Britcher for allowing Kitty into his bedchamber. He would just have the footman install a lock. Then Kitty wouldn’t be able to get back in.

With a huff, he stormed out of the room. Mr. Stonewall, naturally, followed him. Well, there was only one place he could go to that would be free of his chaperone. He’d return to White’s. Sure, he’d been there earlier that day, but there was no rule against a gentleman going back. After he gave his instructions to the footman, he hurried out of the townhouse.

Chapter Ten

“That’s an interesting choice of clothing to wear,” Lilly said the next day when Kitty entered her drawing room. “Are you getting ready for cooler weather?”

Kitty trudged over to the chair next to Emilia. The somber gray dress practically swallowed her up. It covered her entire body except for her face. The neckline reached her chin, and the fabric felt like it was choking her. She shifted the many layers of petticoats under the heavy material then sat down. She let out an exhausted sigh.

“This thing is awful,” Kitty said. “I don’t know how Miss Britcher wears these things every day.”

Lilly’s eyes grew wide. “Aaron is making you wear Miss Britcher’s clothes?”

“No, this dress is mine.” Kitty rolled her eyes. “I have four more like it being made. I get a new one each day. All of them just as drab and uncomfortable as this monstrosity.”

“Why is Aaron having you wear such a horrible thing?” Emilia asked. “Is he that upset with you for having Benjamin’s uncle chaperone him?”

“That does upset him,” Kitty replied. “But that’s not why he’s making me wear this oppressive thing. He’s making me wear this because he thinks my gowns are cut too low.”

Emilia’s eyebrows furrowed. “Too low? They’re no different than any other gowns ladies wear.”

“I know, but apparently, when I wear gowns like that, I’m making an attempt to seduce him,” Kitty said. “Have you heard of anything more ridiculous?”

Lilly let out a chuckle. “It seems like Aaron’s attracted to you and is blaming you for it.”

“Oh, certainly that can’t be,” Emilia replied. Then, after a moment, she turned her gaze back to Lilly. “Can it?”

“Of course, it is,” Lilly said with a smirk. “Kitty may have a quiet beauty, but it’s one that a gentleman notices. And she’s blessed with a splendid figure. It’s in the shape of an hourglass. I recall overhearing the butler saying that’s why he couldn’t resist a secret tryst with the maid.”

Emilia’s eyes grew wide. “Your butler is having trysts with one of your maids? Right here in this townhouse?”

“No,” Lilly hurried to say. “Not the butler at this townhouse. It was the butler my parents had. When my parents found out, the butler and maid were forced to marry by her father, and they went off to live elsewhere. I don’t know what became of them. I was only fourteen at the time.”

Emilia shook her head. “You are one for scandal, Lilly. Imagine you eavesdropping at fourteen!”

Lilly shrugged. “I was curious about what servants talked about when they were alone. I used to think they gossiped about the people they worked for, but it turns

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