Deceived By the Others - By Jess Haines Page 0,42

measly human strength. Or that superior—in her case, supernatural—strength didn’t always win out in a fight. To keep her from getting any ideas, I put enough pressure on her windpipe to cut her breaths down to wheezing whimpers.

One of the guys reached out to urge me to ease up, but I shrugged the grasping hand from my shoulder and kept my gaze locked on Paula’s. Her fingers scrabbled at my sweats, seeking purchase to pull my leg off her. I leaned down harder and leveled a finger at her face, making sure she knew I wasn’t kidding around.

“Listen up, Paula, and listen good. I may not have your strength or speed. Hell, I may not even be that good a hunter—but I’ve fought bigger, badder Others than you and come out on top before. Don’t test me again. You’ll lose.”

She nodded vehemently, as best she could around my foot crushing her throat. Since she looked more concerned about getting air than getting revenge, I backed up, watching her warily. I about jumped out of my skin when I felt another hand on my uninjured shoulder, but it was just Chaz coming to stand behind me to show support. The others had gotten up and were doing the same, even Kimberly moving gracefully from behind the bed to stand at my back. It was odd, really odd, particularly as they had to cram themselves into a small space in order to be at my back, but exhilarating, too. They supported me, and that was what mattered.

Paula slowly rolled onto her hands and knees, creeping over to take my hand. I withdrew quickly when it looked like she was about to do the same thing Seth had done with Chaz, licking his hand and looking like a kicked dog begging forgiveness from its master.

“Don’t. If you’re sorry, just say so.”

A brief flash of anger burned in her eyes as she glanced up at me before she nodded, sitting back on her heels. Once she found her voice, even through the rasping she sounded almost as petulant as I did whenever I had to apologize to Royce. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

Chaz nudged my arm. “She’s acknowledging you as her superior. You could accept it with a little grace, you know.”

I looked at him blankly. “What?”

“She’s doing it because you bested her. This is how she publicly admits you’re senior to her in the pack structure.”

I made a face, gesturing at the others. Ouch, that pulled some muscles in my shoulder that really didn’t want to be pulled. Note to self: no more fistfights with Weres. “I’m not part of the pack. You guys know that, right? I’m just the pack leader’s girlfriend.”

Chaz laughed faintly, though it sounded strained. “You became more than that when you saved us from the guy using the Focus. If not for you, there might not even be a Sunstriker pack anymore.”

“I’d rather have you as part of the pack than not, even if you aren’t a Were. You’re strong enough to hold your own if you can best Paula with your bare hands. Or feet. Whatever,” Simon said.

I rubbed a hand over my face, not happy with this. If they were going to look at me as a pack member, did that mean I had to act like one? Was I going to have to defend my stance as a dominant member every time somebody got peeved at me? Granted, it was satisfying knocking Paula on her butt, but I wasn’t so sure I’d be able to do it again without the element of surprise on my side. It was a step up from being “the pack leader’s girlfriend” in their eyes, but it was also dangerous, uncharted territory. It might give them ideas to pressure me into becoming a pack member for real before long. Particularly once they found out I’d brought a contract with me for Chaz to sign. It wouldn’t be legal until filed with the courts, but they might consider it a gesture on my part to really join the pack.

Everyone eased back into his or her seat, acting like nothing had happened, like I hadn’t just had a knock-down-drag-out fight with Paula. Even with the bruise purpling her jaw and the raspy breaths, she was looking more normal and relaxed than I’d seen her since she started going off on me about Royce. Apparently kicking her butt was just the right thing to make her respect me. Who would’ve thought?

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