Death on the Pont Noir - By Adrian Magson Page 0,65

men could see, behind the glass watching with disbelief as the tall Frenchman made his way through the crowd, was George Tasker.

Seconds later, he was reaching for the phone.


‘Well, George, it looks like we’ve got ourselves a problem.’

‘Ruby’ Ketch was sitting behind the desk of the GoGo Club in Gerard Street, Soho. It was a strictly members-only strip joint, with a few gambling tables for those whose preferred excitement came from naked cards and dice rather than girls. Dressed in a new chalk-stripe suit and pink shirt, he almost glowed with the appearance of good humour and health. But his eyes betrayed his real mood.

George Tasker was on a visitor’s chair across from him, while Brayne, the business advisor, was lounging on a couch against one wall, beneath a lurid oil painting of a naked woman wearing a carnation in her hair and a hollow smile.

‘Nothing I can’t deal with, boss,’ Tasker grated. ‘Just give me the nod.’ He rubbed his knuckles reflectively and smiled. He’d phoned Ketch from the Allendale less than thirty minutes ago, and had been told to get round to the GoGo immediately. The club downstairs was busy, with the thump of music hitting you in the face the moment you walked through the front door. But up here, the atmosphere was dulled to a faint rumble by extensive soundproofing and heavy flock wallpaper. ‘He’s just a nosey cop, that’s all.’

Ketch stared across the desk at him. ‘I know. But he’s not just any old cop, is he? He’s foreign. And that puts a different light on it. We’ve got to be careful. We don’t want this coming back to bite us.’ He glanced at Brayne. ‘What d’you reckon?’

‘I agree.’ The advisor pursed his lips and stared at the ceiling. ‘The last thing we need is any kind of diplomatic incident. That would ruin everything we’ve built up.’ He dropped his gaze and looked at Ketch, adding, ‘Are still building up, in fact. We could, of course, pay him to go away, forget what he saw.’

Tasker snorted. ‘No chance.’ The words came out before he could stop them.

‘Say again?’ Ketch lifted his heavy eyebrows. ‘You know something about this Inspector Clouseau that we don’t?’

Tasker prevented a scowl just in time. It was rumoured that Ketch had somehow obtained a pre-release copy of a new film starring Peter Sellers, called The Pink Panther. It was about a French detective named Clouseau, and Ketch had invited a few select cronies to a private viewing, including the Twins. That it painted the French police in a bumbling light made no difference; any police pratfalls were good for a laugh among the criminal elite, no matter what their nationality.

‘No, boss. I just don’t think he’d be up for it, that’s all.’ He had no reason for thinking that, other than instinct born of experience. He’d been around policemen long enough and close enough to be able to judge whether they could be bought or not. Some could, some couldn’t. And something told him Rocco wasn’t for sale.

‘Everyone’s up for it,’ Brayne muttered sourly, jealous of having his ideas countered by a man like Tasker. ‘There’s not a cop going who doesn’t have a price. All we have to do is find the number that turns them on. And the French are no different. Anyway, we’ve got the budget, we might as well give it a try.’

‘Budget?’ Ketch echoed. ‘What’s that mean?’

Brayne leant forward at his most earnest, ignoring Tasker’s scowl of disapproval and dropping smoothly into business mode. ‘We’ve got a new bank account in Paris, to cater for any … contingencies such as this. I set it up a couple of months ago after you expressed an interest in operating on the Continent. It was just in case we needed access to French francs.’ He sat back. ‘It’s in the name of a shell company, so we could pay him off using cash from that account, no comeback guaranteed.’

Ketch looked impressed. ‘Bloody Nora, Brayne, you never cease to amaze me.’ His eyes switched to Tasker. ‘Hear that, George? Now that’s what I call initiative. A bank account in Paris. Not bad for a bunch of East End boys, eh?’ He smoothed his hair back and nodded slowly, almost purring. ‘I like it. We’ll pay this Rocco twerp in his own currency to go away. Think you can handle that?’

Tasker shifted uneasily. Paying ‘bungs’ to people to look the other way was part of the business, and he was Copyright 2016 - 2024