Death on the Pont Noir - By Adrian Magson Page 0,41

the job; it was all he knew how to do. Rocco’s problem might be getting past Santer, who was fiercely protective of the man.

‘What sort of work?’

‘Some legwork among the OAS groups and their affiliates. Who their contacts might be out this way. Is he well?’

‘Actually, he’s fine.’ Santer surprised him. ‘He’s been doing jobs for a security company in St Denis. It seems to be working for him. You know he has limits, though, right? He pushes himself too far.’

In other words, don’t put Caspar in direct danger.

‘I understand.’

‘Fine. You got his number?’


‘Right.’ An urgent voice sounded in the background and Santer said, ‘Listen I’ve got to go. I’ll call if I hear anything else about … you know. Remember what I said, Lucas: watch yourself. And start saving for that big lunch you owe me.’

The phone went dead.

Rocco dialled Caspar’s number. It rang six times before the familiar voice answered. Caspar sounded alert, much more so than when Rocco had last seen him a few weeks ago. Then, he had been through a grinder and very nearly lost his life. Fortunately, he was made of tough stuff and had escaped with a slight flesh wound and a beating from a group of Algerian gangsters.

‘It’s Rocco,’ he said. ‘I need some help. It’s police work but private billing. Are you available?’

He could almost hear the smile as Caspar’s voice came down the line. ‘You bet. Where and when?’


Rocco drove back out to the scrapyard. Caspar was on his way and would be here in the morning. He’d offered to go to Paris to brief him on his own ground, but Caspar had suggested the trip out and the change of scenery would help get the kinks of the city out of his system.

For now Rocco needed to lean on Bellin. It was too bad if the fat man was scared of being seen talking to the police; he should learn to mix with a nicer brand of people.

But he was out of luck. The yard was locked tight, two heavy chains holding the gates together. He banged on the corrugated sheets and immediately heard a dog barking followed by the skitter of paws as the animal raced up and down along the inside of the fence. It sounded big and mean and desperate to bite someone. Had Bellin panicked and decided to go home and keep his head down, or was his departure more long-term? He’d have to try again later.

He drove back to the station and sought out Dr Rizzotti in his office across the yard. He had completed his inspection of the car and was writing a full report with the help of the notes dictated to the young officer.

‘Interesting vehicle,’ said Rizzotti, putting down his pen and stretching. ‘If you like puzzles. Long or short version?’

‘Short. I can read your report later.’

‘All right. Very short, then. A Citroën DS, less than one year old, done a high number of kilometres for its age but with a registration not its own. The plates are home-made. Ten to one there’s another car driving around somewhere with the same plates, only genuine. God knows where this one came from.’

Rocco nodded. ‘So, a criminal enterprise. Anything else?’

‘Not really. The addition of the framework inside is unusual, as are the seat harnesses. I’ve only ever seen those on rally cars before … oh, and a stunt team who did a display here in Amiens last year. They wore them. Other than that, the car was clean save for the camera in the back, which I still can’t explain. It’s an old model, twenty years at least, as far as I can determine, probably lifted from an old studio junk heap. But who would drive around with an empty camera casing in the boot of their car?’

‘Someone who wanted people to think he was making a film?’

‘To impress the ladies?’ He pursed his lips. ‘It’s possible, I suppose.’

‘Was that all?’

Rizzotti smiled, the expression of a man who had a surprise in store. ‘Actually, no. We found this under the carpet.’ He pushed an envelope across his desk.

Rocco opened it. Inside was a butt end, smoked halfway down and flattened. A filter tip, with some printing on the white paper. Wills.

‘English make,’ said Rizzotti. ‘I’m not sure which specific brand – the company of Wills make several. We could always send it to them for verifying if you wish. As you can see, it looks reasonably fresh – the paper hasn’t been Copyright 2016 - 2024