Deal with the Devil - Kit Rocha Page 0,73

for the question, Gray pressed on. “Because you’re half-assing it. You haven’t told Nina the truth, and you’re not going to, are you?”

“If I do, chances are pretty high she’ll turn around and haul ass right back to Atlanta, don’t you think?”

It was a distinct possibility. Nina seemed to like a little danger, but not enough to compromise the rest of her crew if she could avoid it. She’d split, all right, if only to save Maya and Dani.

Unless she didn’t. Unless they sat down together, discussed their options, and decided that saving Luna was worth the risk. Somewhere, deep in his gut, Gray suspected that outcome might be just as likely. Maybe more.

Then again, maybe Knox’s hesitation wasn’t entirely about that.

“I think telling her the truth is worth a shot,” he said finally. “She’s going to hate you no matter what, man. You’re not getting out of this any other way.”

Knox didn’t flinch, but Gray felt the blow land in the tension of Knox’s shoulder. “I know.”

For a moment, Gray regretted the words. Not because they weren’t necessary, but because they were weapons, and he’d been careless in wielding them. “We’ll see, okay? We’ll talk to the guys—”

A flurry of conversation cut through his words as Rafe and Conall emerged from the motel courtyard with Nina and her team. The women went straight to their vehicle and quickly began loading their bags into the back.

Nina didn’t even look their way. Knox’s frown, which had eased somewhat at the sight of her, returned. With a vengeance.

Rafe was casting covert gazes at the women, but he kept his mouth shut as he lifted Conall’s bag from his shoulder and stowed it in the truck. Conall stopped next to Gray, his face tight, his fingers tapping restlessly on his thigh. “We should get on the road. Now.”

“What happened?” Gray demanded.

Rafe choked on a laugh and hauled open the truck’s door. “Oh, nothing much. Dani poisoned Boyd.”

“Aw, shit.” Gray grabbed Rafe’s arm to stop him from climbing into the vehicle. “When? And how?”

“This morning. She popped him with a pellet of abrin.”

At least it would take Boyd a few hours to notice anything was wrong. And by then it’d be too late. “That woman’s got some nasty hobbies.” Gray nudged Knox. “But she did you a solid.”

Knox grunted. His gaze remained fixed on the women as they piled into their truck. “She definitely did. Anyone know why?”

“He was being skeezy at Nina,” Conall rasped, easing into the backseat like his whole body ached. “I’d have poisoned him if I knew it was on the table.”

Gray rounded the vehicle and climbed behind the wheel. “You wouldn’t have gotten close, Conall. She probably took advantage of his stupidity by making big eyes at him. Not exactly an avenue of attack open to any of us. Not in Boyd’s case.”

Rafe let out another of those strangled-sounding laughs as he climbed in next to Conall. “You called it, Gray.”

Gray snorted and started the truck. “She’s perfect for you, Rafe.”

“You trying to get me killed?” Rafe retorted. “Pretty sure she wants to poison me, too.”

“Not if you play your cards right,” Gray muttered. Knox was sitting in the passenger seat, the furrow between his brows deeper than ever, so Gray leaned toward him a little. “Are you upset about Boyd? Don’t be. Even if his men realize what got him, I doubt they’ll—”

“It’s not that.” Knox glanced at him, the indecision from earlier magnified a hundredfold. “Something’s changed. Nina didn’t even look at me.”

Yeah, Gray had noticed. “Maybe she’s worried you’ll be upset that one of her team went rogue. Or maybe she was just in a hurry because of it.” He shifted into reverse and began backing out of his parking spot. “Either way, best to find out.”

“Yeah.” He sighed and rolled his shoulders. “I better keep in mind that Dani’s not just armed. She’s packing poison, too.”

“Not a bad idea, Garrett. Not a bad idea.”

* * *


66–615 managed to secure an unexpected victory by subverting several of the labor organizers and fracturing their alliance. Ending the strike without violence was vastly preferable, given the current state of discontent in the city.

We should consider how much more efficient he might become if afforded increased latitude and access to resources.

Recruit Analysis, November 2078

* * *


Now that Knox was reluctant to make progress, they’d reached a clear patch of highway. Knox resented every mile of barely cracked asphalt and glared balefully at each easily Copyright 2016 - 2024