Deadly Little Secrets Page 0,88

My…friends,” she almost said contacts, which would betray something of her place in the order of Gates and Dav’s lives. “May be donors, and may hold your Foundation in some regard. I, however, am not interested. Are we clear?”

“Of course, of course.” Drake oozed charm, as if she’d not just threatened to break his hand. “I totally understand. Just making sure you were all right. I noticed you disappeared.” He smirked, lowering his voice on the last phrase. “Trouble with that gorgeous dress?” Now his features shifted into a mask, which was probably the true Drake Yountz, she decided. Plain and nasty.

To quash his egotistic jab, she just smiled. “Of course not. Madame Misioia would never let that happen.”

The mask hardened, but dissipated the moment someone called his name. Like a chameleon, he smiled and answered the hail. The only sign that he wasn’t exactly what he seemed was the look he shot her, as he turned away.

“If looks could kill,” she murmured, “I’d be headed for the morgue.”

It wasn’t long before Gates returned to her side. “You okay?” He touched her arm, then without hesitation, linked their fingers together. “I saw Yountz. What did he want?”

“Down boy,” she said, appreciating his willingness to protect her. “No problem. I just threatened to break all his fingers if he touched me again.”

She said it with such nonchalance that it obviously took him a minute to process her statement. When he did, he began to chuckle. In full view of God and everyone, he bent and kissed her. “Oh, my God, that’s perfect.”

She laughed, embarrassed to be the focus of so many eyes, thanks to his public display of affection. The noise level rose back to normal as the performers rolled through the crowd and out into the spacious outer hall.

“Miriam’s the artistic director for the Opera. She’s got something prepared to keep the crowd busy between the end of the auction and the announcement of the winning bids.”

“That’s good. Lots of high spirits in here. I’m surprised at how many people are bidding. I know the economy’s tough, but it hasn’t stopped this crowd,” she said with amusement, watching two elegantly coiffed matrons argue over a lovely framed print. She caught snatches of, “Beautiful in my bedroom,” and “Perfect for the foyer.” Apparently, they were trying to dissuade one another from bidding on the piece they both coveted.

“We should look around, since we’re here,” he said, glancing at her, then looking away. She could tell he was upset.


“I nearly panicked when I couldn’t find Dav,” he admitted.

She nodded. “Me too. If anything had happened…” She let the “might have been” trail away. Thank God, it hadn’t. “Gates,” she began.

“Shhhh, let’s just get through the rest of the evening, okay? There’s still the performances, and then the auction. We’ll talk about it then.”

“Oh, is that all?” she said sarcastically. “So, you think we should act like we’re looking at auction items?”

“No, I think we should actually look at the auction items,” he said, laughing. “I’m a fan of the organization too, so I’ll put in at least a few bids.” With his hand at her back again, directing them forward, they made their way toward the show tables. She could get used to that warmth, that amazing sensuality.

The thought stopped her dead in her tracks.

“Ana?” Gates looked at her, concern written on his handsome features.

“It’s okay. It’s nothing,” she lied. “I just slipped out of my shoe a bit.”

“Oh.” His features cleared, and he gave her a sly, knowing look. “Nice shoes, by the way.”

Heat suffused her face again. Damn that blush! God, what he could do to her with just that kind of comment. It was insane. It was delicious, and scary, and no…not scary; terrifying. She wanted him, but not what he represented. She wanted the feelings, the passion, but not the fear and the depth of emotion he brought out in her. She’d cut herself off from that in order to survive.

Part of her, a little whispering part of her mind, said, Isn’t it time to start living again, instead of just surviving?

The thought followed her as they wandered along the tables. Ana saw very little of the magnificent prizes everyone was bidding on. Instead, she was focused on the feelings that were pouring through her. How could she be falling for Gates? Was it just the mind-blowing sex?

No, she shook off that thought. She’d had good sex before, although not quite that good. It wasn’t sex, or at Copyright 2016 - 2024