Deadly Little Secrets Page 0,81

pronounced her fit, and she’d run for a cab to get to the Sir Francis Drake in time to meet Dav and Gates. Thank God Sophia Kontos was staying at the hotel as well, which made it seem perfectly natural for the men to meet them there.

“Beautiful, my dear,” Dav added, an appreciative gleam in his eyes. He’d missed nothing about the exchange between the two of them. “Ah, and here is the lovely Sophia. What a pleasant surprise that she’s on time.”

Ana didn’t even want to know about the look that passed between Gates and Dav over that remark.

The gorgeous actress swept across the lobby with the ease of someone used to cameras and staging. She was dramatic, with flowing black hair and snapping blue eyes.

“Davros!” she exclaimed in breathy delight, taking his hands and kissing him on both cheeks.

“Sophia, kouritsaki-mou, I am so glad to see you. Come, come, meet my friends.” Dav introduced them all and nudged everyone to the limo. To Ana’s amusement, Dav was treating Sophia like a young cousin come to town; by using the affectionate Greek designation of her as “littlest one,” he let her know it wasn’t a date. For all she knew, Sophia was another cousin; however, the actress was visibly unhappy at being treated with such avuncular regard.

“We are lucky men, are we not, Gates? Ana, may I say that I have never seen you look so lovely. You do us an honor to be with us tonight.” He turned to Gates and grinned. “Well done, Gates.”

Gates just slipped Ana’s hand into the crook of his arm, despite the fact that they were in the limo and there was no need for it. “Thank you, Dav.” Dav didn’t miss the significance of the gesture, but Sophia evidently did. Then again, the younger woman was still processing the shift in dynamics with Dav.

“And to have you with us, Sophia-aki.” Dav patted her hand where it lay on the seat beside him. “It will be quite the coup for me to be seen with such a beautiful woman.”

“My goodness, there’re a lot of limos ahead of us,” Ana said as they pulled up at the Opera House.

“Yes, the governor’s here tonight. TeenCare is one of his particular favorites, and he touts it as an example of public-private partnerships truly working.” Dav leaned forward to peer through the darkened glass. “There is Tom Hanks, and his lovely wife. I believe that’s their son with them as well.”

From disgrace to the Opera House, what a week. The irreverent thought followed her from the limo, down the red carpet as they paused for photographs, both as couples and as a foursome, and into the bustling event inside.

“Davros, my friend,” a hearty voice called as they entered, and Ana felt Gates stiffen beside her. The leering man from the gallery opening was bearing down upon them, hand outstretched.

Ana searched for a name, but came up blank.

“Drake Yountz,” Gates murmured, his voice carrying no farther than Ana’s ears. “Founder of Bootstrap.”

New target acquired.

Chapter Thirteen

“Mr. Gianikopolis,” Drake began. “Dav,” he corrected himself, using the familiar address. His eyes widened at the sight of Sophia, but Ana would have bet money that he’d known she was going to be there. “And what a coup for us, to have you here, Ms. Kontos,” he said, oozing charm and kissing the hand she offered rather than taking it in the traditional handshake.

Sophia recovered quickly. “Thank you, for the warm welcome.”

“No, no, it is we who are privileged to have you with us. Dav, will you introduce me to the rest of your party?”

Dav was quick on the uptake, Ana would give him that. “Drake Yountz, founder of Bootstrap Foundation, let me introduce you to my associate, Gates Bromley, and his lovely guest this evening, Ana Burton.”

Yountz shook hands with Gates and did as he had done with Sophia, kissing her hand with what he must have thought was Continental flair. Ana was unimpressed and wished she could wipe her hand on something. She wasn’t about to wipe it on the dress, but she wondered if Gates had another of those soft handkerchiefs handy.

It annoyed the shit out of her that the one target she’d been trying to pin down was this slimy piece of work. He’d refused to talk to her about the case, refused to answer her calls, had his secretary call her and tell him he was unavailable. She hadn’t recognized Yountz’s name at the party at Prometheus, but Copyright 2016 - 2024