Deadly Little Secrets Page 0,72

her own thrusts, nearly faint with pleasure at the heat they were creating, the power, the rising blast of another mind-blowing release.

“You’re beautiful, Ana.” He quickened the pace, then slowed it, then drew out only to come back to her in a rush. “You make me crazy with wanting you.”

“Gates.” She found his name, but could say little else as her body responded to his thrusts, to his words, to the intensity that built between them. “Give me…”

“What? What do you want, Ana?” he demanded, one hand braced on the headboard, the other lifting her to give her even more pleasure, letting her feel even more of him filling her, firing every nerve.

“You, I want you, now,” she moaned, writhing in her need to bring him closer, extend the feelings that swamped her, cresting higher and higher. “Gates!” she shouted as she exploded around him, driving him even deeper into her body as she rose to meet him, her hands on his hard, muscled ass.

“Ana!” he echoed her cry, finding his own release in the blazing glory of hers. “Ana,” he gasped, still driving forward, extending her pleasure as well as his as he rocked them together, continuing to murmur her name until they were both panting and spent.

He began to move away, but she stopped him. “No, stay.” She reinforced the words, wrapping her legs over his hips to keep him still.

“I’ll crush you,” he said, resting his weight on his elbows, his head bowed nearly to her breast, his hot mouth teasing her skin as he tried to slow his breathing.

“No, you won’t.” She ran her fingers through his hair and down the expanse of his back. Damn, he felt so good in her, and around her. Nothing had ever felt this good. Nothing.

They lay together, letting their pounding hearts slow to a normal beat, silent in the dark room, enjoying the feel of one another’s bodies with tender caresses and long, slow kisses.

He brushed the hair from her face and smiled, rubbing his thumb over her lip. “I think I bit you,” he said, obviously unrepentant. “Sorry about that.”

“Uh-huh. Sure you are.” She let her hands roam where they would, loving the long strength of him, the warmth that seemed to blanket her. “Somehow, Mr. Bromley, your body language tells me otherwise. You know, they teach us how to read body language in agent school.”

“Agent school, eh?” He laughed, bending to dance kisses up the left side of her jaw. “So what is my body telling you now, Agent?”

“That you want me,” she murmured with delight. “Again.”

“Ah, you are a marvel, Agent,” he said, his voice muffled in the skin of her shoulder as he skimmed more kisses down her collarbone. “You have the most delicate bone structure here.” He traced a finger up her sternum, between her breasts, and down the opposite line of her collarbone. “Deceptive, that delicacy.” He nipped her chin, then kissed her mouth.

She got lost in the drug of his mouth for several minutes then, and only when they broke apart, panting, did she question him. “Deceptive? How? What do you mean?”

“Relax, Agent.” Amused now, he lifted away, and she was instantly chilled. “I’m not impugning your strength, body, or character. It’s a compliment.”

“Well then, I guess I can take that,” she said, leaning onto his chest. “You’re pretty strong yourself there, Mr. Bromley.” She wanted to stretch and purr in sensual pleasure at the memory of him lifting her up, bringing her to orgasm with just his hands.

“Hmmm,” he murmured, and she could sense how relaxed he was, how near sleep. He was still aroused and so was she, but when he yawned, she followed suit and every bit of the day’s trauma’s came down on her like a wall. All she wanted to do was sleep.

She needed to get up, wash her face, check on Lancelot. The cat didn’t like strangers, so she knew he was hiding somewhere.

“We should move,” he said, yawning again. “Get cleaned up.”

“Mmmm-hmmm,” she agreed.

He pulled her closer, then flipped the covers over them, tugging them from one side so they cocooned them both in warmth. “So sweet,” he murmured, nuzzling her hair. “So beautiful. Ana.”

“Mmmm.” She let herself drift in the motion of his fingers on her back, loving the hypnotic sensation of the sweeping motion.

It was nearly dawn when she woke. Lancelot had jumped onto the bed and curled himself into a furry ball behind her knees. He looked at her for a moment, Copyright 2016 - 2024