Deadly Little Secrets Page 0,61

mobile face alert, her eyes scanning his face for telltale signs.

“Another attempt on the compound. Dav’s getting pissed, so I’m going to have to set something up with the local police to catch some of these irritating idiots.”

“Any way I can help?”

He gave it a moment’s thought. They’d waded through the case file, discussed her current searches and others she might try. He’d offered his expertise on the search, but he now realized that despite his searches he hadn’t uncovered exactly what she did for the CIA, nor what the difficulty in Rome had been.

His own life was one thing, he realized with a pang. Before he let her into the inner circle in Dav’s life, he had to know more.

“There probably is,” he prevaricated. “I’ll know more once I’ve gotten the details. Any chance we could meet up again tomorrow? Cover some more of this ground?”

To his surprise, Ana pulled out a slim leather-bound date book. He figured her for an electronic gadget type. Then he remembered she had that too. Dual systems, built-in redundancy.

“Good with me, although I don’t know what’s going on with my car. Can I call you in the morning?”

“Call me tonight if you know more, or tomorrow. You can e-mail me or text me here.” Gates offered a card, on which he’d written both his private e-mail and cell numbers. The one he’d given her before was a company phone.

He couldn’t say why he already trusted her. Probably, it was because his gut told him she was straight-up loyal and driven by justice more than anything else. He ignored the little voice that questioned whether or not he just wanted her, and any reason to be with her.

Ana betrayed her surprise with a quick glance and an odd look, but made no comment as she tucked the card into her date book and put both into her briefcase. “Thanks,” she murmured, then pulled out a card of her own and scribbled on the back. “Here, you obviously have the office number and my cell, but this is my home number, and private e-mail.”

They’d crossed some vast emotional line in the course of the evening, between her tearful release and his own internal revelations about his attraction to her. The car slowed to a halt by a neatly maintained bank of condo apartments, brightly lit and surrounded by a genteel neighborhood and boutique-like shops.

“Just pull in there,” Ana directed the driver, and he followed her lead. Gates walked her to her door.

The apartments were older, and well maintained, with full plantings and flowerbeds just showing spring’s arrival. They were far enough away from the car, which the driver had turned around, so he didn’t feel watched as they said good night.

“Thank you,” Ana began, holding out her hand as if to keep it all business.

“You don’t really think I’m going to shake your hand, do you, Ana?” he said, bending down to close the distance in their heights. He let his lips caress her cheek, feel the soft texture of her skin. She didn’t wear heavy cosmetics, and most of what she did wear had been washed away in the crying jag. He could still smell the faint echo of her perfume when she swayed toward him.

“Gates,” she said, hands rising to his chest. “I know I was upset earlier.”

“You’re not upset now, are you?” He looked into her eyes, making sure she was with him. He saw no trace of fear or hesitation, so he dove in. When he kissed her, his hands resting lightly on her hips, it was Ana who leaned in, deepened the connection. To his delight, she gripped the lapels of his coat, tugging him closer. Taking it as permission, he wrapped her in his arms, letting one hand twist in her gorgeous fall of black hair.

He could have stayed there forever, tasting her, discovering what made her sigh and what, like the kisses along her jawline, made her moan. The bark of a neighbor’s dog and the porch lights coming on reminded him that they were out in the open, exposed to not only the prying eyes of her neighbors, but anyone who wanted to target either of them.

“We need to stop,” she whispered, and he reluctantly agreed. “You need to go, and I need to go in.” She tried to pull away, but he kept her close, kissed the end of her nose, which seemed to surprise her more than the passionate kisses had.

“I know,” he murmured, kissing Copyright 2016 - 2024