Deadly Little Secrets Page 0,128

I left the hotel to come here, she followed. I’m glad to know that your teammate,” he referred to the missing Elsa, safe with her family in Queens, “isn’t another victim of her vendetta. Now, since I’m still recovering, I’m going to save my energy and sit down. Agent Burton?”

The debriefing took another hour, and the call Ana made to McGuire took longer, since he had clearance and was able to ask questions and get answers the civilians weren’t privy to.

“Well,” he growled. “I guess I can quit shooting at anyone walking on my porch then. Let the grandkids come back from Florida. If they want to, that is.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure, Agent,” Ana replied, wishing more than anything that she could lie down and sleep. She had to get through it, so she could go to Gates. She brought her wandering mind back to the moment. “Hines is still out there. He’s a person of interest in his own right, but without you to testify against him, he’d be better off. I’d stay wary if I were you.”

“Great,” McGuire snapped out at her in his irritation. He relented though, a moment later. “No matter what’s still out there, we’ll deal with that. Gotta say, young lady, I never expected anyone to close this. Congratulations.”

“Thanks, but it’s serendipity, Agent McGuire,” Ana said. “I was in the right place at the right time, with the right knowledge at my disposal to make it all work.”

“That, Agent Burton, is called promotion material,” he said, laughing. “Don’t knock it. Thanks for the follow-up.”

They hung up, and Ana decided she’d rather be flogged than go through another case like this. Pretzky was talking shop with the DC agents and the SWAT commander, but stopped long enough to give Ana an update.

“Just got a call from Pearson,” Pretzky said. “Yountz is in the wind. The wife reported him missing early this morning.”

“Thanks,” Ana said, and when Pretzky turned back to her discussion, Ana headed into the corridor. Other members of the team were still chatting, hashing out points of the case.

“Excuse me,” she asked the young trooper who’d taken the wild ride from White Plains to Port Chester with them. “Have you seen Mr. Bromley?”

The trooper’s eyes shone. If she wasn’t mistaken, he had developed a serious case of hero worship for Gates. “Yes, Agent Burton, ma’am. He’s outside. He was seeing Mr. Gianikopolis off, then one of the Gand…uh…civilians involved asked to speak with him.”

“Ah, thanks.” So, one of the Gandolpho family was in the parking lot and the score was about to be evened up.

As she got to the doors, she saw Gates and Dav shaking hands. Dav’s smile looked like it would split his face, and he pumped Gates’s hand like a politician. What was that all about?

Dav got in his limo and drove away. Gates watched the car for a moment, then turned to a younger man who was waiting for him. Several other cars lined the exit driveway, close enough to see everything, but not interfering with traffic or with Gates and his friend. They too shook hands and embraced. She let them have a moment before she walked over.


“Ana, I’d like you to meet Max Hopespring. He’s the grandson of Tomas Gandolpho. We served together in the Army.” She held out a hand, received a firm, no-nonsense shake.

“Mr. Hopespring,” she said, “I’m pleased to meet you.”

Max smiled at her and gently punched Gates on the shoulder. “So this is her? I’m impressed. Good job, dude. Remember, send me an invite.” He turned to Ana, took her shoulders in a light grip, and gave her a kiss on both cheeks. “Good to meet you, Ana. Take care of him, will ya?”

The man turned and strolled away, across the grass to a waiting Hummer. She stood with Gates watching the entourage drive away.

“So, debt paid?”

“On my end. I never looked for a debt or payback in the first place, but Max, he says he’ll never stop owing me.” Gates was still watching the cars as they turned onto the main drag and disappeared. “He’s a loyal guy.”

“Hmmm. I’ve heard that.”

Gates shrugged. “It’s not really about Iraq,” he said. “It’s about family. I understand that. I’ve got a sister too.”

Ana nodded. Although she didn’t have sisters or brothers, she had come to realize she had friends. Loyal ones. Ones who would do what needed to be done, and die doing it, if need be. As TJ had.

“So, Anastasia Burton,” he drawled, Copyright 2016 - 2024