Deadly Cry (DI Kim Stone #13) - Angela Marsons Page 0,60

on Alison’s desk.

Kim watched her carefully as she read and saw the frown on her face as she neared the end.

‘This is what you’ve been asked to read to the press?’ she clarified.

Kim nodded. ‘By my boss, a psychologist and a press officer, and yes that does sound like the first line of a joke.’

Alison read it again and this time there was no frown but a slight nod of the head as she reached the bottom.

She handed it back. ‘Given his communication with you, it does make perfect sense to put you in the parental role and tell him off. I can definitely see the logic behind what they’re trying to do. They’re hoping your words will shock him into stopping what he’s doing and to let Archie go.’

‘But?…’ Kim asked.

‘There’s no but. I think it’s a sound plan. It could work.’

‘Okay, thanks for that,’ Kim said, glancing out of the window and then at her watch.

She stood and reached for her jacket.

‘And I guess we’re about to find out.’

Her colleague stood to follow.

‘It’s fine, Bryant, I can do this myself,’ she said, appreciating the gesture. He knew she wasn’t feeling confident about what she’d been asked to do.

‘Yep, you go do it alone, guv, and I’ll be right there with you.’


Alison stared down at the papers on her desk and pretended to read, but the words began merging into each other and were making no sense. She felt as though she’d come full circle and didn’t like where she had landed.

As a child, she’d never been great at fighting her own corner. She had shrunk from opposing opinions and deferred to what she always felt was a higher and more authoritative power. Afterwards, she would think of a hundred examples to substantiate her own viewpoint, but only once the moment had passed would she realise she did have an opinion after all.

Once she had trained in behavioural science and obtained two degrees, she had felt confident enough in her knowledge and her education to try life at the other end of the spectrum. The certificates on her wall had given her the confidence to offer her opinion with both gusto and conviction whether it was sought or not.

But a familiar sickness now started to rise up in her stomach. A feeling she could trace back to the day one of her nine-year-old classmates, Dorian, told her that kids on free school meals were stupid and had no parents. She knew that Molly, who lived next door, had free school meals and that was because her dad had been in an accident and couldn’t work for a while. Molly wasn’t stupid and had parents. Alison had disagreed, but as other kids had begun nodding in agreement with Dorian, Alison had felt herself fade away from the conversation. She had remained in disagreement, but she had also remained in silence.

As the sickness travelled upwards to her throat, she raised her head and faced the two people still left in the room.

‘Guys, I think I just fucked up.’


Kim felt her silent phone begin to vibrate as she stepped out of the building and into the glare of the press. Bryant sidled to the position he’d occupied a couple of days before.

The paper she’d been given was in her back pocket, and if Flora expected her to take it out and read it word for word she could think again. If she was being forced to talk to the press, then she’d talk to them properly. She knew by heart enough of what was on the paper to do what they’d asked.

Her phone stopped and started again as she approached the gaggle. She knew it wasn’t any of her team. They all knew what she was coming out here to do. The only other person who mattered was Keats and God forbid he’d be calling her right now. Answering the phone to the pathologist right in front of this group of people with their powerful microphones and speakers would not be a good idea.

‘Okay, folks, gather round.’ She paused to give them chance to switch on whatever device they were using. Frost’s choice was an iPhone pointed in her direction.

She forced her expression into neutral as she began to speak.

‘I can confirm that the body of a forty-six-year-old female was found at Uffmoor Woods earlier today.’

Kim paused. Every word she spoke took her closer to the third paragraph, with which she didn’t agree.

And yet, Woody had instructed it.

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