Deadly Cry (DI Kim Stone #13) - Angela Marsons Page 0,39

industriousness could be used for the purpose of good if channelled in the right direction.

Stacey stepped inside and introduced herself to a security officer named Nathan who looked to be around eighteen years old. Whatever his age, she couldn’t imagine that his youthful appearance elicited a compliant response to his instruction.

Stacey understood that the profession of a prison officer had probably altered over the years in line with diversity directives. Muscles, aggression and fear were not the tools needed to deal with every situation or every prisoner. And yet, a small part of her couldn’t help thinking he wouldn’t be the first officer to whom you’d be handing out riot gear.

The same could be said for her, she supposed, as Nathan began explaining the rules of engagement.

‘Obviously, this was a special request due to an ongoing investigation. There will be no other visitors in the room, but Daisy will remain with you at all times.’

On command, the least-looking Daisy she’d ever seen appeared and towered over Stacey. The smile took the sting out of the six-foot height and gym-honed body that Stacey would have to step left or right to see around. Now, she would be getting riot gear, Stacey thought.

‘Ready?’ Daisy asked pleasantly.

Stacey nodded as Nathan locked away her possessions.

‘So what’s he like?’ Stacey asked, falling into step beside the prison officer who notably slowed down to accommodate her.

‘Not bad, bit cocky, gets frustrated now and again like some of them, swears he didn’t do it. Like all of ’em.’

Stacey smiled at the exaggerated eye roll that accompanied the words.

‘I swear there ain’t so many innocent folks at a Sunday morning church service.’

Daisy opened the door to the visitors’ centre and stepped inside.

Sean Fellows was already sitting at a table smack bang in the centre of the room, wearing a pale grey sweatshirt and jogging bottoms.

Stacey wasn’t exactly sure of the protocol when greeting a convicted rapist. When meeting someone for the first time, she normally offered her hand. Certainly not an appropriate action.

He turned to look at her as she approached. He undertook a swift appraisal of her before dismissing her. Stacey was not offended. Maybe it was the extra few pounds she carried; maybe it was her black skin. Either way, she wasn’t upset about not being to the visual taste of a rapist.

And anyway, she pretty much did the same to him, but for different reasons.

She wasn’t sure how she’d expected him to look in person after seeing only his face, but somehow she had expected more. There were no rippling muscles, visible tattoos. His brown hair was cut short and tidy, and she’d have guessed his full height to be around five feet seven. She would have passed him in a crowd without a second glance, which she supposed was half the problem.

‘Thank you for agreeing to see me,’ Stacey said, taking a seat opposite.

Her skin crawled at the thought of what he’d done to two innocent women, but she knew that allowing her personal feelings to show would not help her get a confession to the rape of Lesley Skipton. And, ultimately, that’s what she was here for.

He shrugged. ‘Curious is all. Hoping someone has realised there’s been a fuck up.’

‘Fuck up?’ she asked.

‘Yeah, that I’m innocent and that Gemma Hornley is a slut and a lying bitch.’

Stacey bit down on her lip to prevent her true feelings from coming out. This was going to be more difficult than she’d thought if he still wasn’t admitting to the one he’d been convicted of. What chance did she have of getting justice for Lesley?

She decided to let him talk about Gemma. Maybe he’d slip up and say something she could seize upon.

‘Wanna tell me about it?’

‘Sure, but don’t get comfy, this ain’t no love story. Saw her in a club, fancied her, danced with her and fucked her round the back of the building.’

He shrugged, as though that was the end of the story, which she already knew it wasn’t.

‘And then?’

‘Went back inside, danced some more, saw her as we were leaving and asked if she wanted to go again.’

Absolute charmer, Stacey thought as she nodded for him to continue.

‘She said no, we had a few words and she stormed off.’

All accounts said they were openly shouting and that he’d been angry.

‘How exactly did she refuse?’ Stacey asked. ‘Did she just say “no thanks, I’m good”?’

‘Nah, the bitch told me I’d been fucking useless the first time.’

‘She insulted your manhood?’

‘Let’s just say it took a Copyright 2016 - 2024