Deadly Coincidence (Brantley Walker Off the Books #4) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,99

as Travis’s daughter?

“Did she go by Kate?”

“No. Kat. Why?”

JJ ignored the question. “How’d she find you?”

He smiled. “How’d you know she found me and not the other way around?”

“I’m serious, Dante. How’d she find you?”

“Online dating app, okay? But it’s not what you think. I don’t have to use an app to meet women. It’s just—”

“How’d you communicate with her?” she asked, interrupting his tirade. “Email? Phone?”

“Yeah,” he said. “All of the above. But I stopped talkin’ to her. She bored me. But I guess Marcus was being nosy. He got my phone one day, texted her back on it. They started talking.”

Shit. JJ spun around to leave. She needed to get those phones, needed to figure out where the hell Katherine King—a.k.a. Juliet Prince—was.

“Hey!” Dante called out. “Where’re you goin’?”

JJ found Baz in the hallway. “Where’s Brantley and Reese?”

“They left a few minutes ago. Why?”

“Because I just got some new information from Dante that might lead us to Juliet Prince.”

“From Dante?”

JJ nodded, started walking. “I’m pretty sure it really was a coincidence that she’s involved in all this, but not so much that Travis was lured to my house shortly before it blew up.”

“She blew up the house?”

“She had Marcus do it, but yes.”

“Marcus? The dead guy?”

“Yep. That one.”


Baz drove JJ back to HQ while she spent the majority of her time on her phone texting someone. He wasn’t sure if it was Brantley or Reese or Luca, but whoever it was, they were quick with their responses, and JJ seemed happy with the replies.

No sooner had he pulled into the driveway than she hopped out of his truck, making a mad dash for the barn. Based on the other vehicles, it looked as though the gang was all there. Brantley, Reese, and at least two others.

By the time he walked around to the back of the house, JJ had disappeared, leaving him to stroll by himself. As he was approaching the keypad to unlock the door, his cell phone chimed.

He glanced at the screen, swallowed a frustrated groan when he saw that it was once again Molly. She’d been texting him almost once an hour since yesterday afternoon, asking when she was going to see him again. Each text that went unanswered earned him another, more demanding one.

This one: I think it’s best you come by so we can talk about the other night. I’ll need to know what to do about the pregnancy.

Baz didn’t want to be a dick to the woman, but even he knew she didn’t know for sure she was pregnant after twenty-four hours. She definitely could be, yes, but he would prefer they wait to have this discussion once she knew for certain. If she was, Baz had every intention of doing what was right by the child. But from the texts he was getting, Molly was expecting more for herself than the baby, and unfortunately, Baz knew that wasn’t going to happen.

The door to the barn opened and JJ poked her head out. “Hey, you comin’?”

Tucking his phone back in his pocket, he nodded, held the door, and followed her inside.

“Luca Switzer, meet Sebastian Buchanan. Baz, meet Luca,” JJ introduced.

Baz took a single step back when the big man got to his feet, thrusting out his hand to shake.

He returned the gesture, added a “Nice to meet you,” and earned a smile in return.

“You look good, darlin’,” Luca told JJ, openly eyeing her. “How long’s it been?”

“Not nearly long enough,” she said with a chuckle. “Aren’t you married yet?”

“Haven’t met the ol’ gal who can wrangle me,” he teased. “You up for the challenge?”

Baz couldn’t help it, he stared at JJ’s face, watched as she smiled, eyes glittering. Clearly she wasn’t bothered by Luca’s flirtatious manner, but Baz would honestly admit he didn’t care much for it.

She was laughing merrily when she said, “Not in this lifetime, you old coot.”

“Well, then if you ever meet her, send her my way, will ya?”

“I wouldn’t do that to any woman, Luca. You know that.”

Baz turned away, reminding himself he had no right to be jealous and he had absolutely no say in who JJ flirted with.

“I talked to Brantley,” JJ explained. “He said we should get started without him.”

“Hit me, woman. Whatcha got?” Luca asked.

JJ went on to explain what she’d learned from Dante about the woman she referred to as Katherine King, who she was insistent was Juliet Prince.

“Brantley told me he had the phones they were usin’ at their hideout,” JJ told Copyright 2016 - 2024