Deadly Coincidence (Brantley Walker Off the Books #4) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,52

keys from him, insisting he not drive. Said he could get his truck at HQ in the morning.

Fucking great.

And now he was stranded… “Where are we?”

This time Blondie frowned, her sky-blue eyes darkening with displeasure. “We’re at my place.”

“I figured that much,” he grumbled, motioning to the purple shit everywhere. “I mean, where? What city?”

“Round Rock.”

At least that was good news. Round Rock was just a hop, skip, and a jump from Coyote Ridge. He could get to his truck in minutes. Probably even walk it if he was so inclined.

Which he wasn’t.

Pulling up his Uber app, he intended to call for a car, but Blondie interrupted his attempt.

“I’ll drive you,” she blurted. “I mean, if you want me to.”

Although it would certainly be easier, Baz knew it wasn’t a good idea. The last thing he wanted was to lead this woman on, to make her think there was any chance of something happening between them. Something more.

Without responding, he keyed in his information on the Uber app, submitted it. It appeared luck was on his side, because there was a car only a few minutes out.

“I don’t want you to be late for your … brunch.”

“It’s only eight o’clock,” she said, pouting. “I’ve still got a couple of hours.”

He stared back at her, confused as to why she looked like she was ready to walk out the door. Before he could ask for details, he realized he didn’t care. He needed to get out of there before he did something stupid, like fuck her to make her feel better. He never had been all that good with confrontation.

Thankfully, his phone buzzed, signaling his driver was approaching.

“I gotta go,” he said, getting to his feet.

He felt for his wallet, tucked his phone in his pocket, then paused and peered over at her. It was then he realized he had no idea what to say to make this situation better. Hell, he didn’t even know her fucking name.

So, to avoid making it weirder than it already was, Baz made a beeline for the front door. When he stepped outside, the sun speared his brain through his retinas, but he ignored the pain.

After all, it was the least he deserved.

Chapter Twelve

Friday, January 1, 2021

JJ woke to a throbbing in her skull so sharp it dragged a moan from her.

The instant she tried to open her eyes, it was like a thousand tiny ice picks began hacking away at her brain.

Not doing that.

Closing her eyes again, she lay completely still in her bed, attempting to breathe through the pain, trying to remember why she’d decided to tie one on last night. Hadn’t she learned her lesson the last time she’d overindulged? She remembered clearly promising to never do it again for this very reason.

Stupid idea.

A deep breath in through her nose, out through her mouth became her sole focus as she fought the wave of nausea that overwhelmed her. She didn’t know how long she remained like that, but it was long enough for the feeling to abate somewhat, but not long enough for her to be in the clear, because the instant she tried to get up, she was leaning over the edge of the bed, retching.

As she fought to breathe deeper, she became aware of the smell. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but it was horrid. And likely the reason—combined with the throbbing pain in her head—why she was trying to expel whatever was in her stomach, which appeared to be nothing at all.

What the fuck had she done last night to make her bedroom smell like that? Good God, it was awful.

JJ clutched the edge of the mattress, dropped her head to the pillow, and forced one eye open to look at the clock.

Eight thirty. In the morning?

She groaned.

What the hell? When was the last time she’d slept that late? Then again, she hadn’t gotten obscenely drunk in a really long time either, so it made sense, she was simply dredging up all those bad habits she’d purposely disregarded when she’d decided to be a better person.

She needed to get up, get moving. A shower would likely work wonders to clear the fog. That and some aspirin, some coffee. Oh, God, yes. Coffee. It sounded heavenly right now.

When she went to move, the ice picks started up again, so she squeezed her eyes shut and relaxed.

Okay, maybe not right right now. Soon, though.

Wanting to block out the light streaming in through the windows, JJ smacked her hand Copyright 2016 - 2024