Deadly Coincidence (Brantley Walker Off the Books #4) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,47

It bothered him, but he managed to keep his mouth shut.

“Let’s make a toast,” Reese prompted, lifting his beer. “To starting fresh in the new year.”

Baz considered it, then lifted his beer. “To starting fresh,” he echoed.

And as he clinked his bottle against Reese’s and Brantley’s, Baz tried to tell himself it was a good plan. Start fresh in the new year.

He glanced at the blonde once more.

Perhaps it was time for a change.


As the minutes ticked by, Brantley remained seated at the table with Reese. He watched Cyrus flirt with men, both gay and straight, getting shot down at every turn. Knowing Cyrus, the man would still manage to go home with someone before the night was through.

Brantley observed Baz pretending not to make eyes with the little blonde at the table next to theirs, saw the redheaded waitress keeping her eye on Baz as though she was calling dibs. It both surprised him and didn’t that Baz would consider someone other than JJ. There was no way Baz could deny how he felt about her. On the other hand, JJ had stuck to her guns thus far. Evidently, she really didn’t want a relationship, and a man could only take so much rejection before he needed some sort of validation.

While he actively observed what was going on around him, Brantley continued to glance at the door, wondering whether or not Trey and Magnus would return. That was certainly a match he hadn’t seen coming.

When an hour went by, he knew his brother was no longer pondering decisions in the parking lot. He was gone, and since Magnus hadn’t returned, he could only assume he’d gone with him.

“I think there’s somethin’ in the water,” Brantley said, still processing all that he was seeing.

“Your brother’s a big boy,” Reese stated. “He can handle himself.”

Brantley glanced at him. “Who said I was talkin’ about Trey?”

Reese grinned. “You weren’t?”

“Well, yeah. But still. You’re not allowed to be a mind reader.”


“No. It’ll make all the dirty thoughts I have of you awkward.” He grinned, took a sip from his beer. “For you.”

Reese laughed, a blush creeping up his neck.

Yeah, he fucking loved that about Reese.

“But seriously,” he continued. “Magnus and Trey? Did you see that one comin’?”

If Cyrus’s earlier reaction was anything to go by, Brantley wasn’t the only one surprised. The man had come marching out of the hallway with rage burning in his gaze. Truth was, Brantley’d never seen Cyrus pissed before. Hell, he hadn’t figured the man was even capable.

“I did not, no,” Reese said as they both now stared at the door where Trey and Magnus had escaped a short time ago.

“They’re not comin’ back,” he told Reese.

“Nope.” Reese tipped his beer back, and after draining the bottle, he looked over. “Why’re we still here?”

“Because I like to wine and dine you.”

“Do you now?” Reese smirked.

“Although I’d prefer you naked when I do,” he admitted, grinning back.

More color came into Reese’s face, and it made him smile wider. God, he loved this man. Every damn thing about him.

The doors opened, and Brantley’s gaze shot over because he’d been watching it for so long. Nope, still not Trey or Magnus. He didn’t recognize the newcomer.

Reese leaned in closer, motioned toward Baz with his beer bottle. “What do you think about this?”

“I think it’s unfortunate but probably necessary. He’s gotta move on sometime.”

Reese stared back at him as though he couldn’t believe the response.


“You said they’d figure it out. He and JJ.”

Brantley nodded. “Yeah. I was hopin’ they would.”

Unfortunately, since Baz was vigorously flirting with the blonde now, he didn’t think that was going to happen.

“Are you second-guessin’ yourself now?”

Was he?

Reese chuckled. “You know it’s okay if you’re wrong.”

Brantley tossed back the rest of his beer. “I’m not wrong.”

“Sure you are.”

“Tell me one time I’ve been wrong.”


Brantley frowned. “When was I wrong today?”

Reese nodded toward the door. “You said Trey wasn’t over Cyrus yet. I suspect you were wrong about that.”

He had said that, huh? Just that morning over breakfast.


Brantley exhaled, leaned back in his chair. He did his best not to look at his watch, although he’d been wishing for the past hour that it was midnight. They still had a couple hours to go.

He peered over at Reese. “Remember what JJ said? About kissin’ someone at midnight bein’ good luck?”

“I remember.”

“You think it’s true?”

“Never heard it before.”

Neither had Brantley.

“But I have heard that who you kiss at midnight’s gonna be who you’re with for the year,” Reese noted.

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