Deadly Coincidence (Brantley Walker Off the Books #4) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,24

pushing him to quit; he was merely curious.

“I’d prefer you didn’t.” Travis relaxed again. “I’m not sure what I would’ve done without you and Reese. Seriously. I know y’all haven’t worked a lot of cases, but you’ve accomplished quite a bit in a short time. I think it’s smart to take it private.”

Brantley stared at his cousin, then asked the one question he couldn’t hold back. “I’ll probably need some financial backing to start. You still in?”

Travis’s spine straightened, his countenance shifting.

Brantley figured this was the businessman he was now having a chat with, not his cousin.

“I don’t have a business plan yet,” Brantley added quickly. “But I will. I promise you that. I’ve been talkin’ with Reese’s brother. Thought I’d seek their help, too. Financially, that is.”

“Sniper 1 Security. Smart move on your part.”

“Yeah. Not gonna get my hopes up until I have an official conversation with them. What I need to know is whether or not I can depend on you in the same manner you’ve assisted thus far.”

“That I can do,” Travis stated firmly. “As for an investment, get me a business plan. I’d like to go over it with Gage.”

Brantley nodded. “I’ll get it worked up.” He stood. “Anyway, I needed to vent before I head back to HQ. Last thing I want is for Reese and the team to think they’re out of a job.”

“I know the feelin’.” Travis stood. “Just remember, you can lean on them, too.”

Brantley grinned, starting toward the door when Travis joined him. “Wow, that’s downright psychological of you, Dr. Phil.”

“Fuck off,” Travis grumbled, grinning as he opened the door.

The friendly banter helped to lift some of the weight off his shoulders.

It was enough motivation that Brantley decided he would tuck away the news until after the first of the year. He wanted to enjoy some time with Reese, and that wouldn’t be possible if he told the team they were out of a job come Monday.


“Why’d Brantley drop by earlier?”

Travis glanced over at his husband, saw the concern in Gage’s eyes.

They’d just sat down for the evening, having spent the past half hour doing the dishes while Kylie got the kids started on their baths and showers. Maddox had gone first, then was passed off to Travis to dry and dress. The little boy was now at Travis’s feet, staring up at the television, where an animated snowman was keeping him transfixed.

“Governor Greenwood’s disbandin’ the task force,” Travis told him, watching the stairs for the next kid to come down.

Kate was currently doing the independent things, showering in their bathroom, while Kylie helped Kade and Haden, who were taking a bath together. Last would be Avery, who was gathering up the Barbies she wanted to take swimming in the tub with her.

“Really?” Gage sounded perplexed by the idea. “But I thought…”

“Who knows. He’s claimin’ it’s budget cuts and says he doesn’t have support to maintain the team.”

“He? As in the governor?”

Travis nodded.

“You talked to him?”

“I did.” Travis glanced at the television, down to Maddox, then back to Gage. “Called him this afternoon to see what’s up. He sounds bothered by the notion but swears there’s nothin’ he can do about it.”

“Seems a bit abrupt, don’t you think? The team’s only been in place since September.”

“I know.”

Travis did not need to be reminded what had been the prompting factor for the task force dedicated to locating missing persons. He’d lived that nightmare and had no desire to rehash it any more than he already did.

“And yes,” he continued, “it does seem abrupt. Which is why I called him. He’s standin’ behind the decision.” Travis smiled at Maddox when the little boy looked back at him, pointing at the television. “I know, little guy. Cool, huh?”

Maddox grinned wide then turned back to the TV.

“Brantley’s thinkin’ about takin’ the task force private,” Travis continued, glancing over to catch Gage’s reaction.

“I think that’s smart. They’re good at what they do. No sense lettin’ their talent go to waste.”

“He’s chattin’ with RT and Z, gettin’ the scoop on the private gig.”

“They’d have the answers,” Gage said.

Travis stared at his husband, realizing Gage had been supportive of every single thing Travis had said since they sat down. Too supportive, in fact.

“Spit it out, Gage,” Travis bit out, keeping his voice low, tone as even as he could. “Why does it sound like you’re placatin’ me?”

“I just wanna make sure you’re not goin’ down that rabbit hole again.”

Travis took a long, deep breath, willed his temper to Copyright 2016 - 2024