Deadly Coincidence (Brantley Walker Off the Books #4) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,18

Texas,” Reese elaborated. “We do have cold cases across the state that we’ve been assigned, but until we expand the task force, we’re havin’ to focus on local ones.”

“When will you be expanding?” RT asked.

Reese glanced at Brantley for the answer to that.

Brantley looked his way, finished chewing, then answered with, “Beginnin’ of the year.”

When he didn’t elaborate, Reese finished for him. “We’ve got six additional positions approved by the governor’s office. It’s just a matter of interviewin’ candidates.”

Again there was an expression on Brantley’s face that Reese couldn’t quite identify.

“Fun stuff,” Z joked. “I know that’s how I’d wanna spend my day, closed up in a room with a stranger, askin’ all kinds of stupid questions.”

“The eternal optimist,” RT said with a grin. “One of the many things I love about you.”

That earned a laugh from everyone.

“What about y’all? How’re things with Sniper 1?” Brantley prompted.

RT wiped his mouth with a napkin then smiled. “We’re actually lookin’ to expand as well.”

Being that Sniper 1 Security was a family-owned business, started by Bryce Trexler, RT’s father, and Casper Kogan, it was in the process of being passed down. RT had taken the helm years ago, and recently Casper’s son Hunter had stepped up to the plate. From what Reese had heard, they were taking it in a new direction, expanding not just in employees but also in the work that they did.

“Openin’ a new location?” Brantley inquired.

“We’re lookin’ at some property in Austin and some in Houston. Tryin’ to decide which’ll be more beneficial.”

“Not out of state, huh?” Reese asked.

“Not for operations, no. We’ve got operatives who live in different states, which gives us the coverage we need, but I’d like to keep the general functions close to home.”

“Overseas?” Brantley asked.

“We’re venturing into it more,” RT replied. “Right now, we’re assignin’ our most tenured agents to those positions.”

“What’s it like in the private sector?”

Reese was a little surprised by Brantley’s question. Anytime they’d discussed private-sector workforces, Brantley tended to tune out. Reese figured that had a lot to do with the fact Brantley’d spent most of his life working for the government. And everyone knew Brantley wasn’t fond of major change.

“I’m not sure I could do it any other way,” RT answered. “Then again, it’s the only way I’ve ever known. My father and Casper were both in the military, which has helped, I think. They’ve maintained some connections that way.”

“You get much pushback from government agencies?”

“No. As a rule, we don’t impede.”

“But we have been known to sidestep when necessary,” Z added with a grin.

“Yes, we have been known to do that.” RT took a sip of his iced tea. “But we keep that on the DL. No sense upsettin’ the local LEOs if at all possible.”

“LEOs?” JJ asked, leaning forward, fully engaged in the conversation.

“Law enforcement officers,” Z supplied.

“Ah.” She grinned wide. “Got it.”

“I know a couple of guys who might be interested in any overseas positions you’ve got comin’ up,” Brantley said, setting his fork down. “Former SEAL teammates. One recently got out, the other’s got three months then he’ll be stateside again.”

Reese glanced at Brantley. “You keep in touch with them?”

“Of course.”


Although Reese wasn’t sure why he found it interesting. It made sense that Brantley would keep in touch with the guys he used to work with. Just because he left the military didn’t mean he no longer existed. They were friends, some he probably even considered family. Of course, he knew Brantley would still be leading his SEAL team if it weren’t for the fact he’d been forced into early retirement thanks to the medical discharge.

Then again, Reese hadn’t kept in touch—or vice versa—with the guys from his squadron. After he’d been assumed KIA and left for dead, he’d been pretty much on his own. After the torture he’d endured, he hadn’t been left with much loyalty for those he’d been abandoned by.

“Anyone up for dessert?” Reese’s mother asked when the conversation lulled and plates were pushed aside.

“Let’s give the food time to settle first, Mom,” Z told her with a smile. “Then we’ll be all up in the pie.”

“You okay?” Brantley asked, leaning in close, voice low.

Reese jerked his attention over. “Of course. Why?”

Brantley’s response was a simple eyebrow twitch, which meant Reese had been internalizing his thoughts and ignoring those around him.

He forced away the memories of that long-ago time. At some point, he would have to deal with the lingering anger he harbored along with the fear that seemed to be surfacing Copyright 2016 - 2024