Dead of Winter (Battle of the Bulls #2) - T. S. Joyce Page 0,36

see how that would be true, though. Relationships take a lot of work, a lot of energy, and right now all your energy is going into your career. It would shake things up for sure.”

Dead shrugged up a shoulder and slowed his truck behind Two Shots, whose brake lights had come on the camper he was pulling. “I used to believe that so I steered clear of anything serious on purpose. Anyone got too close, I gave them the boot. I kept all my walls up and kept blinders on so I could just get through each week bucking and improve. I didn’t want anyone to take my focus off what I wanted to do.”

“Do you still believe a woman will kill your career?”


“Why not?” Curiosity might have killed the cat, but she was a cow, and there weren’t any sayings about that.

Dead gestured up ahead of them to where Two Shots was taking a right onto a dirt road. “Being around Two Shots and Cheyenne changed my mind. She doesn’t let him lose focus, and now he has something bigger to buck for. Something outside of himself. He wants to buy her a ring. A pretty ring like she deserves. A big flashy one. And not just a ring. He wants to give her a life. A good life. He talked to me and Quickdraw about it, and now he’s been holding onto top two bull in the world and getting paid. And Cheyenne pushes him in good ways. She doesn’t take his crap, doesn’t get soft when he’s sore or tweaks something. She tells him to buck up. So now, I think that a female wouldn’t be so bad if it were the right fit.”

“The right fit,” she repeated softly.

“Yeah. If she inspired a bull and pushed him in the right direction. Propped him up when he had his quiet, weak moments. Any insecurities, tell him to fuck off and get back to work. Stuff like that.”

“I don’t think I could tell you to fuck off ever.”

“You saying you aren’t cut out for it?”

Honestly, after he’d explained all that…she wasn’t so sure. She had a very different personality than Cheyenne. “I don’t know.”

“I met a stranger who bought me a beer and stopped what she was doing to help me at a table. You did all the little work that takes away from my quality time with fans, and you never asked for payment, credit, or attention for it. You were fine just being in the background helping me and Cheyenne. And then you made yourself at home in my kitchen and helped me cook without me asking. You accepted my friends and fit right in with them, but you know what you haven’t done yet?”


Readjusting, he pulled her hand from her lap and kissed her knuckle. “Asked me why I buck or when will I quit this career.”

“Oh.” She smiled shyly. “It never crossed my mind that you would stop. It’s part of you. What right would I have to take away something you obviously love?”

His eyebrows arched up high. “So what were you saying about not making a good teammate?”


“Well, if I call you ‘girlfriend,’ you’ll get that shut-down look in your eye because the logical part of you is pretty big, and you think it’s too soon for me to like you this much without some other shoe about to drop. So, we’ll go at your pace. Slow as a fuckin’ snail for me, but I get it.”

“Teammate. Or partner. I like that. It means neither one of us is putting in more effort than the other.”

“Exactly. Neither one of us is less important than the other. I’ve never had that before, and I want to see where this goes. First up?” He jerked his chin toward a clearing with a big corral and bucking chutes right in the middle of it. “You get to relax and just watch a workout. And knowing me, I’ll probably go harder because a pretty girl is watching me.”

“Chhh, I’ll be out there drinking a White Claw with Cheyenne. She bought us a whole case when we stopped at the last gas station.”

“Girl, that is so sexy,” he said with a chuckle as he pulled to a stop alongside the practice arena.

“You’re so easy to please. Mud on my tits and a White Claw in my hand, and you’re ready to go.”

“You’re damn right. That’s my fantasy right there. Anytime you want this dick, you just dress in mud Copyright 2016 - 2024