Dead Pretty - Samantha Towle Page 0,78

crush on Audrey—was perfect.

But now, it’s Audrey, not the police, who has left me with no other choice.

I walk over to the kitchen, get some disposable gloves from the drawer, and put them on.

Laying out some paper towels on the floor, I pick up the knife and cleaning cloth and place them on the pouch of jewelry—my small souvenirs from my victims.

None of my DNA or fingerprints are on any of these. I’m always careful to keep my things free of anything that can be traced back to me. But now, Audrey has touched the velvet pouch.

I sigh. I tip the jewelry out onto a paper towel and put the knife and cleaning cloth with them. Then, I put the pouch back into the floor and put the floorboard back in place.

I wrap the items up in a paper towel and get to my feet, bringing them with me.

Then, I push the sofa back into its original spot.

I get the key to Jack’s apartment from Audrey’s bag. A spare key that he gave to her.

I let myself out of the apartment, and on silent feet, I walk down the empty hallway toward Jack’s apartment.

Using the key, I slide it into the lock and turn. The click of it unlocking sounds so loud in the silence of the night.

Steadying my breathing, I turn the handle and quietly open the door.

Slipping inside, I carefully close the door behind me.

His apartment is in darkness. Only the moonlight through the window providing any light.

I fucking hate this guy.

I discovered who he was totally by accident. I was online, looking him up. I needed to know all about Jack Canti. The man Audrey was allowing to fuck her, use her like a whore, and she was starting to have real feelings for him. Believing his lies. Thinking that she loved him. I couldn’t allow that.

When I found out exactly who he was related to … well, it was like a gift from God.

Audrey needed to know, of course. I knew she wouldn’t have anything more to do with him once she did.

Because she always believes everything that I lay out for her to believe.

It was the only way. It has only ever been this way.

Audrey cannot cope with the truth.

And if she hadn’t found my things tonight, I would have left Jack alone. So long as she stayed away from him.

I know it will hurt Audrey for me to do this, but there’s no other way.

Silently, I move through Jack’s apartment, looking for a place to hide my things. Somewhere easily findable for the police. But not so easy that it looks planted.

Because poor Jack Canti is about to be framed for my crimes.

When I’m done, the police will believe that Jack came here to finish off what his brother started—to kill Audrey.

Not that I’ll kill her, of course. I could never kill Audrey.

But I will have to hurt her again.

I don’t like that I have to. Just like I didn’t the last time when I cut open her skin.

I walk over to the window and check to see if the sill is movable, if I can put these things here.

But, no, it’s fixed down good.

Fucking Christ.

Light flashes on, momentarily blinding me.

I spin around to see Jack standing in the entrance to the living room, a gun in his hand, pointed in my direction.

I hold my breath as Jack blinks. His angry expression morphs quickly to surprise and then instantly relaxes.

“Jesus, Audrey.” He lowers the gun, shoving a hand through his hair. “You frightened the shit out of me. What are you doing here? Are you okay?”

I put the items down behind me on the sill.

And then I smile.


Jack moves through the living room, coming toward me. He puts the gun into the waistband at the back of his sleep pants while he walks.

I track the movement with my eyes. Before looking back to his face.

A face filled with concern.

I would actually feel bad for the guy if I didn’t dislike him so much.

What Audrey sees in him, I will never know.

I just need to figure out how to handle this situation.

My hands are still behind my back. Gloves are still on. The knife is wrapped in the paper towel. I quickly peel the gloves off and shove them down the back of the shorts that I’m wearing.

My fingers fumble to free the knife. Not that it’ll do me much good against his gun. I manage to loosen the towel from around it just as Copyright 2016 - 2024