Dead Pretty - Samantha Towle Page 0,55


I dress quickly while he’s in the shower, putting on another fresh tank top and going with just panties this time.

I’m brushing out the tangles in my hair when Jack comes out of the bathroom in just a towel.

“Hey.” I smile at the sight of him.

I put my hairbrush down and climb into bed, getting under the covers.

Jack dries off before going back into the bathroom to take the towel back, and I happily watch his naked butt retreat away.

He turns the light off when he returns, still very much naked. And if I’m not wrong, he’s rocking a semi.

He gets into bed beside me, lying on his back, pulling me into his arms. I rest my head on his chest, my fingers playing with the line of hair that runs from his belly button to one of my favorite parts of his body.



“Is your cock hard again?”

I hear and feel his deep chuckle.

“You’re seriously ready for round … what are we at now?” I ask, stunned at this man’s ability to get a boner.

“No clue. I lost count,” he admits, and we both laugh this time. “And to answer your question, yeah, my dick is hard again.”

I turn my eyes up to his. “Is it always like that—permanently rocking a semi?”

A grin reaches his eyes. “Only since I met you. I’ve been hard every day since.”

Well, if that doesn’t boost my ego.

“I’ve been wet every day since I met you.”

It only seems fair to share that information with him.

“Fucking hell,” he growls. “Keep saying stuff like that, and there’ll be no sleep for either of us tonight.”

I smile, unrepentant. “Is that a promise?”

“You can bet your sweet ass it is.”

“Then, you should probably also know that I’ve masturbated to thoughts of you pretty much every night since I met you too.”

He moves so fast that I barely get a chance to blink before I’m on my back and he’s on top of me, hips between my legs.

“Just for that teasing, you’re going to do that for me right now.”


“Masturbate in front of me. I want to see you get yourself off.”

I feel myself flush all over. But I’m not opposed to the thought either.

Honestly, I really like the thought of doing that for him.

“Fair enough. But only if you do the same.”

“You want to see me jerk off, Audrey?”

I bite my lip and nod my head. I can feel heat rising in my cheeks, flooding down my chest, over my breasts, covering my body.

“You want me to show you what I do every night in bed and every morning in the shower with the thought of only you in my head?”

He’s masturbated over me too? It’s another boost to my ego.

“All these weeks I’ve spent jerking over you. Lot of wasted time really, when we could have been doing this … doing each other. So, let’s not waste any more time, huh? Let’s make up for the time we lost instead.”

And we do.

Neither of us gets a wink of sleep until we’re boneless and exhausted in the early hours of the morning.

And it isn’t until that moment, when I’m on the cusp of sleep, lying in the comfort of Jack’s arms, that I realize I never did the usual sweep of my apartment when I first got home. I was too busy falling into Jack to even give it a second thought.

And the locks on my front door …

I didn’t bolt them all up.

Just one lock is keeping my door secure.

And … I don’t feel scared.

I feel safe.

Because of Jack.

I open my eyes to find Jack already awake and watching me.

“Morning.” I smile. My voice is croaky.

“Morning.” He leans close and brushes a soft kiss over my lips.

I try not to breathe on him, consciously aware of my morning breath.

I snuggle against his warm chest. He wraps his arms around me.

“How long have you been awake?” I ask him.

“Not long.”

“Did you sleep okay?”

“Better than I have in a long time.”

That makes me smile.

It’s also the same for me. I can’t remember the last time I slept so easily.

I feel well rested.

I always sleep on high alert nowadays. I sleep light, ready to hear any noise that shouldn’t be there. And if I ever do drop into a deep sleep, it’s plagued with nightmares and bad memories.

But this morning, I feel lighter. Almost like I had a dreamless sleep.

It’s crazy how one person can come into your life and change things for the better in the smallest period of time. Copyright 2016 - 2024