Dead Pretty - Samantha Towle Page 0,51

last time I laughed like this. “No kidding.”

He gently pushes me onto my back. Climbing over me, his hips between mine, he holds himself up on his hands and stares down at me.

“What?” I ask, smiling up at him.

“I like it when you laugh. A fuck of a lot. Your whole face lights up, and you get this glow about you. You are always beautiful, Audrey. But when you laugh, you are on a whole other level.”

My heart feels like it’s stopped beating. Like time has ceased moving.

That’s literally the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I honestly have no words.

All I can do is stare at him.

I reach a hand to his face. I brush my fingers over his forehead, down his temple, along his cheekbone, loving the way his eyes close at my touch.

I place my hand to his cheek and guide his mouth down to mine as I lift my head up to meet him halfway.

“Ask me,” he whispers right before our lips touch.


“You know what.”

He wants me to ask him to stay over.

Why is this such a big deal for me to say? It’s not like I’m asking the guy to marry me.

Taking a breath, I shove my nerves away and whisper, “Stay the night.”

He presses his lips to mine, softly kissing me. “My answer will always be yes.”

I can’t help but smile against his mouth.

Then, he gives me one more lasting peck on the lips and pushes off me, getting up from the bed. “I’ll go get Eleven and bring her back here. I’ll be five minutes, max.”

I watch Jack as he pulls on his jeans and pushes his feet into his boots.

“Your sweater’s in the living room,” I tell him, biting my lip at the memory of him removing it.

Jack grins, and then he leans down and gives me another kiss before he exits my bedroom. I hear the click of the front door opening and shutting a second later.

I flop back on my bed, letting out a giggle, covering my face with my hands.

I can’t believe I just had sex with Jack.

Multiple times!

Oh. My. Sweet. God!

He’s so frigging hot.

And I can’t stop smiling.

I have just broken every single rule in my own damn book, and I don’t care.

Because, you know … orgasms.

I know I should have ended the night just then. Not asked him to stay over.

But truth be told … I want him here.

And it’s not just the sex. Although that is awesome.

It’s having him here. Talking to him. Listening to him talk to me. Having that physical closeness with another human being.

Just to have one night when I’m not alone and afraid.

And being with Jack, it’s so much more than I imagined it could be.

It has been so long since I had anything near to what I’ve had tonight.

Well, honestly, I have never had anything like what I have just experienced with Jack.

To say the sex was phenomenal would be a severe understatement.

The man’s stamina is insane. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to keep up with him at one point. Thank God he mostly took the lead.

How the guy is currently single is shocking to me.

How his girlfriend managed to let him go is beyond me.

He’s gorgeous, and he screws like a porn star.

My girl parts are tingling just at the thought of the things he did to me. The things we did together.

The soreness between my legs is a constant reminder of having him there.

How can I feel as empty as I do without him here right now?

I actually miss him. He only went over to his apartment and will be back soon, and I’m lying here like a damn sap, missing him.

Which is pathetic.

But true.

I’m acting ridiculous.

God, get a grip, Audrey.

Scrubbing my hands over my face, I let out something between a laugh and a wistful sigh before I clamber out of bed.

Obviously, I still have my tank on. Which is damp from all the physical exertion Jack just put me through.

But my boobs are hanging out the top.


Chuckling to myself, I pull my tank back up, covering the girls.

Jack seems to be a breast man. And an ass man. He also seems to like spending a considerable amount of time between my legs.

Not that I’m complaining. Never, ever would I complain about that.

I giggle again to myself.

Listen to me, giggling like a little schoolgirl. I need to sort myself out.

I grab a fresh tank top and a pair of pajama shorts Copyright 2016 - 2024