Dead Pretty - Samantha Towle Page 0,33

much as I can trust a person. But you never really know anyone.

“Okay, let’s go,” I tell him.

He catches hold of my gloved hand, stopping me. “You look real pretty today,” he tells me. “But then you always do.”

My stomach swoops and dives like a flock of birds are in there.

I really need him to stop being so sweet.

“You do too. Look nice, I mean.”

His lips quirk into a smile, lighting up his eyes. He squeezes my hand before letting go. “Come on. Let’s go have some fun.”

I lock up behind us, and we start walking down the hall, heading for the stairwell.

He gestures to the motorbike helmet that he has in his hand. It’s matte black with a design of pink flowers on it. Not his usual all-black helmet that he has.

“You okay on the bike?” he asks me.

“Sure.” I shrug. “I’ve never ridden on one before, but it’s just the same as a car, right? But without doors and windows. And a seat belt. So, actually, it’s nothing like a car.”

Jack chuckles. “You’ll be fine. You’re safe with me, Audrey.”

God, I hope so, my heart whispers—and she doesn’t mean the bike.

We exit the building, Jack holding the door open for me like a gentleman, and we walk over to his motorbike.

I have zero clue when it comes to bikes. All I know is that his bike is big and black and has Triumph written in silver letters on the side of it.

We stop beside his bike, and Jack hands me the helmet. I take it from him. I had the foresight to do my hair into a loose over-the-shoulder plait, making it easier for me to get the helmet on.

Jack opens a helmet bag fixed to the back of his bike and pulls out his usual helmet.

I’ve got my helmet on fine, but I’m struggling with the chin strap.

“Here, let me help.” Jack stands close in front of me. So close that I can feel the warmth of his minty breath on my face. “It’s new, so the strap will be a little stiff.”

I freeze—and not from the cold. “The strap is new?”

His smiling eyes meet mine. “Yeah, it came with the new helmet.”

“You bought a new helmet?”

“Well, yeah. I only had the one, and I couldn’t let you ride without one.”

He bought a helmet for me.

He. Bought. A. Helmet. For. Me.

It’s not a big deal.

Yes, it is. It’s a huge deal!

He must see something in my eyes that prompts him to say, “It’s not a big deal, Audrey.”

“It’s not?”

“You can’t ride without a helmet, so I got you one. It’s that simple.” He shrugs.

Maybe it’s not a big deal. Maybe I’m just out of practice at this whole peopling thing.

But still … he bought this just for me. Yes, it’s just a helmet. But it’s still a kind and thoughtful thing to do.


I’m only ten minutes into this date with him, and I’m a puddle of melted goo on the floor.

So much for shutting down my attraction to him.

Although, in my defense, he isn’t exactly making it easy for me to do so.

He’s making it so, so much harder.

And I’m starting to realize that maybe there is no way for me to stop liking Jack.

So, I guess I’m left with the only thing I can do … make Jack dislike me.

Jack parks the bike outside a double-story brick building. It has a covered porch out front with steps leading up to the door. It could almost be a house. I look up at the sign on the building—Animal Adoption and Rescue Center.


We must be going somewhere nearby.

I clamber off the back of his bike, none too gracefully. My legs feel wobbly.

It has nothing to do with the fact that I had my front pressed up against Jack’s back and my arms wrapped around his stomach for the last fifteen minutes.

Oh no, it’s totally from the bike ride.

And that was sarcasm if you didn’t catch it.

I fiddle with the chin strap, trying to undo it, but it’s a tricky little fucker.

Still straddling his bike, Jack removes his gloves and takes off his helmet. He puts it in the helmet bag.

Using his hand, he shoves his hair back off his face. His waves fall into place.

I bet when this helmet comes off my hair, it will be stuck to my head, like a sweaty mess.

He looks perfect.

Gorgeous. Sexy. And so very cool.

He’s like a character out of the books I read. All broody and hot. Ex-military, now writer. Alpha Copyright 2016 - 2024