Dead Pretty - Samantha Towle Page 0,31

can’t remember any man looking at me with as much heat in his eyes as Jack is right now.

“Alpha much?” I smirk.

So does he.

Then, he kisses me again. Harder. Needier.

I wind my fingers into his hair.

His hand slides slowly up my waist, his thumb grazing the underside of my boob.

Touching yet not touching anywhere nearly enough.

“You want my hands on you?” he murmurs, lips peppering kisses to the side of mine.


His hand covers my breast over my shirt, thumb grazing over my nipple.

“Oh God,” I moan.

“He ain’t here. But I am.”

Jack’s hand is on my breast. His thigh moving against my clit. His erection rubbing against my stomach. His tongue back in my mouth.

I’m powerless to resist.

It’s been so long. Too long since I’ve felt like this.

And if I’m being honest, I don’t think I have ever felt this good.

“Jack … I …”

“Hush, baby. I’ll get you there.” He sweeps his tongue over my lips, biting down on the bottom one. He kisses across my jaw to my ear. His fingers tweak my nipple. His teeth graze my earlobe. His thigh presses against me.

And I go off like a rocket. Falling apart in his arms.

I can’t even think about how vulnerable I am to him right now.

Without a doubt, I would fall to the floor from the force of that orgasm if it wasn’t for Jack holding me up.

I’m out of breath, panting.

Jack’s lips press soft kisses to my feverish face. “You’re so fucking hot when you come.”

His mouth comes to mine, kissing me.

I can already feel myself starting to come down from the high he just gave me.

I can also feel the shame coming in. The failure at not even being able to stick to my own stupid rules because of a gorgeous face.

Okay, it’s not just his face. I like Jack.

But I’m the way I am for a reason. Getting close to anyone is a bad idea.

I need to get out of here.

“Jack …”

“Audrey.” He rests his forehead to mine, eyes holding me still.

“I … we … shouldn’t …”

“Yes, we should.”

“I can’t …”

“You like me, Audrey. That much is obvious from the way you came against my leg.”

His words are crass. They should offend me. But they don’t. Because all they do is make me feel hot.

“And I like you,” he continues. “That much is obvious from this.” He presses his hard erection against my stomach, making me squirm.

Surely, I can’t want more from him already after that spectacular orgasm he just gave me.

His hand lifts to my hair. Brushing it back, he tucks it behind my ear. “So, what’s stopping you?”

“I … it’s complicated.” My eyes slide to the side.

He captures my chin in his palm, bringing my gaze back to his. “Are you married?”

“God, no.” I laugh.

“In a relationship?”


“You like me?”

“Don’t seek compliments.” I roll my eyes. “You know I do.”

“Then, there’s nothing complicated about it. Only if you choose to make it so.”

I sigh. He doesn’t understand. And I can’t explain it to him. Because truthfully, sometimes, I don’t fully understand it myself.

“I know I’m going ass-backward about this, and this is not the way I intended to do this at all. But let me take you out on a date.”

I stare at him. He’s gorgeous. Smart. Sweet.

And I’m … well, I’m kind of a bitch.


He looks confused. Surprised almost.

“Why do you want to go out with me?”

“Do you really need me to state the obvious?”

“Aside from the fact that I make your dick hard.”

He likes that. I see it from the flare in his eyes.

“You do make my dick hard. Painfully hard.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m serious.”

“So am I.”

“I have been nothing but a bitch to you from day one.”

“Maybe I’m a masochist.”

“Jack …” I sigh.

He chuckles. “Okay. Yeah, you can be a bitch. But believe it or not, I like that about you, Audrey. I like that you don’t take shit from me or anyone. But that’s not all you are. You can be funny when you want to be.”

“I’m also a loner.”

“Me too.” He smiles. “Don’t sell yourself short, Audrey. You’re kind. I see the way you are with my Eleven.”

“Just because I like your cat doesn’t mean I’m a good person.”

“No, but taking her in when you thought she was lost does. And I think you’re forgetting the time you broke into my apartment because you were worried that I was hurt.” He’s smirking.

“You’re an ass.”

“I do have a nice ass. But yours is better.” He squeezes my butt with his Copyright 2016 - 2024