Dead Pretty - Samantha Towle Page 0,21


Christ almighty. It’s not like I’m ever going to see his chest, so I don’t need to be thinking about it.

“Why would I need someone to hold a flashlight for me? I’ve got a bulb right here to fix my light problem.” I lift said bulb up.

He grins. His lips lifting at one corner, showing that dimple.

I have the urge to press my finger into it.

I really need to stop with the sexy thoughts.

“So you can see to fit the lightbulb. I’m guessing your living room is in darkness. Wouldn’t want you falling off that ladder.”

Duh. Of course. I’m such a dumbass at times.

Instead of letting my idiocy or embarrassment get the better of me again, I grin and say, “You are, soldier. So, bring your phone. Unless you have a flashlight, of course. You seem to have everything else.”

Another grin. “Ex-soldier. I’m a civilian now, remember? And actually, no, I don’t have a flashlight.”

“I’m shocked.” I give a mock-surprised look.

He shakes his head at me, but he’s smiling. “I lost my old one. Been meaning to buy a new one.”


“Says the woman without a lightbulb.”

“Yeah. But I wasn’t a soldier. I have no concept of needing to be prepared.”

“Everyone should be prepared. And do you really know how to change a lightbulb? Or should I expect another blackout?”

“Hilarious.” I roll my eyes.

He chuckles. “Come on, rookie. Let’s get your lightbulb changed.”

He reaches out and takes the stepladder and bulb from my hands to carry them for me.

I don’t argue. I let him do the gentlemanly thing.

We walk in silence to my apartment.

And in those moments, all I can think is … Were we actually flirting just then?

How bad is it that I have no clue? I’m that out of practice.

Not that I’m practicing anything with Jack. No matter how much my libido would like me to.

I know Jack’s attracted to me. The fact that he asked me out last week clued me in on that one. And I’m definitely attracted to him.

But nothing is ever going to happen between us.

Just being friendly with him is breaking my own rules.

We reach my door, and I hesitate.

If Jack notices, he doesn’t say.

Forcing my arm to move, I get my key from my pocket and unlock the door.

As expected, it’s still pitch-black inside my apartment. Light from the hall illuminates the entryway.

Jack turns on the Flashlight app on his cell and shines it into my apartment.

“Leave the door open to give us a little extra light,” Jack says, and I nod in answer and leave it wide open.

I go inside first, Jack following behind.

Jack sets the stepladder below the light fixture. “You sure you don’t want me to replace the bulb for you?” he checks.

I look up at the light, and it seems a lot higher than I first realized. But I made a whole deal out of being able to do it. So, I sigh and say, “No, it’s fine. But thanks.”

Jack shines the flashlight upward for me as I make my way up the steps. I reach up to remove the broken lightbulb. I get it out and hand it to Jack, and then I insert the new one.

I did it. See, I’m not totally useless.

“Done?” Jack asks.

“Yep.” I smile to myself.

He holds out a hand to help me back down the steps, shining the flashlight so I can see my way.

I slide my hand in his. Heat sizzles up my arm. His palm is rough and warm, and his hand dwarfs mine.

I have a flash of visions of what it would be like to have his hands all over my body.


I wish I could turn my attraction to him off. I have always been able to control everything in my life. Every emotion and feeling, I just shut it off. But this ever-growing attraction to Jack … it won’t seem to go away. I can see now that the only way to make it disappear is to not see him anymore.

But since he lives on the same floor as me and comes into my place of work on a regular basis, I don’t see how it’s possible. Unless I quit my job and move.

Which seems quite a drastic thing to do to squash my attraction to him.

Nope. I’m just going to have to woman up and get past it.

“Thanks,” I say to him through a mouth of cotton when my foot hits the floor of my living room.

But I don’t remove my hand from his. And he doesn’t let Copyright 2016 - 2024