Dead Pretty - Samantha Towle Page 0,18

walked home and got grabbed, severely less chance of catching the killer.

I know; I’d end up dead in both of those scenarios, which wouldn’t be good for me, obviously. But I’ve escaped death at the hands of a psychopath before. I don’t think I can do it twice. Don’t get me wrong; I would put up one hell of a fight, but I don’t see myself being so lucky twice.

Which is why I’m not keen on ending up in a situation like that ever again.

I didn’t fight back when Tobias had me … and I hate that so much. I hate that I was frozen there with terror and did nothing to try and save my own life.

I was tied up, so it wasn’t like I could have done much. But I did nothing.

I didn’t even try.

The only reason I lived was because he let me.

But I won’t make that mistake again. That, I know for sure.

I swipe the fob, letting myself into the building, hearing the door click shut behind me.

The well-lit entry hall is devoid of people.

Not that I usually see many people when I come home at my normal hour. But it’s daylight then, and it doesn’t seem as eerie as it does right now.

Goose bumps skitter up my arms, moving me forward. I jog up the stairs, my bag bumping against my hip, until I reach my floor.

I fast-walk to my apartment, unlock the door, and let myself inside. It’s pitch-black in here. My heart is banging in my chest. I hate the dark. Shutting the door closed, I flick on the light switch. It comes on, followed by a pop, and I’m plunged straight back into darkness.


The lightbulb has blown.

I scramble to get my phone out of my bag, somehow dropping my rape alarm and keys at the same time.


My hand curls around my cell, and I yank it out of my bag. I touch the screen, illuminating it, and turn on the Flashlight app.

Light shines out from my cell. But it’s not enough. It hardly illuminates anything.

My breath is coming in quicker. Fear of the dark starting to take over.

Calm down, Audrey.

I shine the flashlight down to the floor to find the things I dropped. I locate my keys and rape alarm. Bending down, I pick them up and pocket them. I put my bag down near the wall by the door.

I need to get the lights back on, but I can’t remember where the fuse box is.

Okay, so truth is, I don’t actually know where the fuse box is.

I’m not a practical person. I always relied on my dad and then Cole for this kind of thing.

Fucking fuck.

My anxiety is quickly building. I can feel fear and adrenaline starting to pump around my body.

I need to calm down.

I’m fine. It’s just a bulb that’s blown out. I’m not in any danger.

Deep breath.

I suck in some oxygen and slowly release it.

Right, if I were a fuse box, where would I be?

A cupboard maybe.

Think, Audrey. Do you remember any fuse-looking boxes in any of the cupboards in the kitchen?

Nope. But then would a fuse box even be in the kitchen?

Why don’t I know this?

Because you’re useless, Audrey.

I can’t even argue with myself on that one because it’s the truth.

Closet! In my bedroom!

There’s a white box up above the shelf where the hanging rail is. That’s surely got to be it.

Holding my cell in front of me, shining the light ahead, I start making my way toward my bedroom.

I see it the second I step into the hallway.

“Oh fuck. No.”

A dead rat. On the floor outside of my bedroom.


My heart bangs hard against my ribs. Tremors run through my body. The hand holding my cell shakes.

My mind flashes to the first time I ever saw a dead animal, my memory dragging me back to a place I never want to go, rooting my feet to the spot.

Swinging open the door, I expect to find another one of those notes that this stranger has been leaving daily for me.

But there is no note.

Only a dead bird.

I didn’t know in that moment … I thought it had died of natural causes.

It hadn’t.

It was a gift from Tobias. One of his many sick gifts.

It’s starting again.

No. No, it’s not. This is a rat.

Not a bird or a cat.

A rat.

Calm down.

But I can’t seem to.

My pulse is beating wildly.

Rational thoughts only, Audrey.

There are a hundred reasons as to why a dead rat is in my apartment. It could have easily Copyright 2016 - 2024