Dead Man Walking (The Fallen Men #6) - Giana Darling Page 0,78

one mighty hand, squeezing and massaging it roughly before giving it a little smack. When I only moaned and rocked back into him, he spanked me hard in sharp, staccato bursts of heat to each swell. Vaguely, I noticed the clang of his belt coming undone and the harsh rasp of a zipper undoing, but the beat of blood in my ears and that resonant smack of flesh consumed me.

“Holy God,” I gasped as I thrust back into him. “Oh, my God.”

“There’s no God in this house of worship,” Priest rasped, collecting my hair in his free hand to wrap it once, twice around his fist. He pulled me back by it like reins so I was staring at him in the mirror, back arched, ass tipped and exposed for him.

His grin was a dark, blood-red slice across his face. “Only the devil.”

And then the burning heat of his cock was at my entrance, thrusting inside my sensitive flesh so savagely, I belted out a ragged scream.

“Better than fuckin’ heaven and earth,” Priest ground out in that gravelly Irish voice as he pounded me into the sink, palming one ass cheek open slightly so he could watch his cock slide in and out of me. “Such a tight little pussy stretched around my cock.”

I whimpered, heat gathering at every sensual point of my body—in the furl of my nipples and the swollen weight of my breasts, at the backs of my knees, and in pulse at my throat. I’d never felt anything like this tight, hot twining between my legs.

Only the sun had ever kissed me there, the sun and the air and the cool touch of water. For nineteen years, nature had been my only lover, a shy thing, tentative and teasing. Priest was none of those things. He was anti-matter, sucking me up ruthlessly and refusing to spit me out, eating away at my edges until I was all core, all sensation. Heat and energy coiled up like a new planet blazing beside his black, fathomless depths.

This was better, this devastating intensity that razed me to the very ground of my soul. It was better than any poetry, better than any daydreams. It was too visceral to put into words, so I did not try.

I only moaned and thrashed and focused on the nearly painful pump of that thick, steel cock inside my newly taken body.

“Gonna fuck you every day now,” Priest threatened like it wasn’t the only promise it seemed I’d ever wanted to hear. “Gonna fuck you so hard and so long that you can’t walk right feelin’ the absence of me in your cunt. You’re gonna call me if it’s been too long, beggin’ me for a fix. You’ll be so addicted to the brand’a me on your body, you’ll do anything I ask, won’t you, Little Shadow? Sweet, little girl gone wanton just for me.”

“Yes,” I hissed so long I lost my breath and couldn’t find a way to gather it again. Instead, I started to pant loudly, chasing air and chasing my orgasm. “Oh, oh, Priest, oh my, fuck, I’m going to…to…” I couldn’t say, the words tangled up in my misfiring mind as fireworks started to pop and fizz in my belly.

“You’re gonna come for your Priest,” he finished as he yanked my hair so tightly tears sprang to my eyes and simultaneously landed another stinging slap to my ass. “Come all over my dick, pretty girl, and watch me as I come inside you. Want you to see exactly who owns this ass.”

I met his eyes beneath the dark, knotted brow, noted the sheen of sweat on his regal brow, and came as soon as I saw the blood gathered at the edge of his mouth, the way his tongue flicked out to taste it.

My womb tightened so hard, I worried I would implode, and then I did, every molecule of my body spiralling high and far. There was a keening in my ears I faintly recognized as my own voice calling out in hallelujah and a guttural groan as Priest fucked me somehow harder, then a roar of fierce, masculine triumph as he climaxed inside me. I could feel the heat of his seed against my tender walls, the trickle of it leaking from the seam of our joined bodies.

I sagged helpless against the basin, my limbs noncompliant, my pussy, pulse, and breath the only things still working, still throbbing.

There was a strange emptiness that made me flinch as Priest Copyright 2016 - 2024