The Dead Girls Club - Damien Angelica Walters Page 0,41


“A couple months ago, and my boyfriend answered the door, not me. It was some lady, that’s all he said.”

She’s already closing the door when I stick out my foot. It works, and the door bounces back.

“What the fuck, lady?” she says.

“Please. Do you know what she looked like? The woman who came here?”

“I don’t know a goddamn thing, and even if I did, I ain’t telling you shit. You don’t move your foot, I’m calling the cops.”

I yank my foot clear, and she slams the door as I’m about to apologize. I hightail it outside in case she decides to make good on her threat anyway, and there’s a man standing next to my car, back to me as he peers in the driver side’s window.

“Hey,” I say, when I’m only a few feet away. “That’s my car.”

He turns like a plastic skeleton, all jerk and jiggle. Tall, painfully thin. Dirty-blond hair. Scabbed skin. He reeks of body odor and rotting teeth. My guess: meth.

“Can I borrow a couple bucks?” he says.

“No,” I say. “Please move. I need to leave.”

He leans against my car instead. “Why you gotta leave? Can’t you stay and talk?”

“No, I can’t. Move.”

“Sure you ain’t got money?” he says, taking in the purse hanging over my shoulder. “All I’m asking for is a dollar or two.”

“Get the fuck out of my way.”

He steps a little to the side, but close enough that my shoulder brushes his when I reach for the door. His hand lands on my bicep, squeezes. “Why you gotta be that way?”

This close, his breath is noxious, full of nicotine and decay. I wrench my arm free, unlock the door, and fling it open, practically throwing myself inside and locking it behind me. I start the car and race out of the parking spot, sending him staggering to the side. His mirth follows. I’m hot and blotchy with fear and anger. My shirt’s sticking to my back. My armpits are damp. But I’m fine. He was just a pain in the ass. He didn’t hurt me. Nothing I haven’t encountered before.

As the apartment complex disappears in my rearview mirror and my physical reaction fades, the import of what this Lauren Thomas said hits me again. There’s someone else, another woman, looking for Lauren. Not just me.

* * *

Monday afternoon, I’m getting ready to leave the office with directions to the last Lauren Thomas on my list when a text arrives from Gia with a bunch of dates. SEE, I’M SERIOUS! reads the accompanying message.

My thumb hovers over the delete button. This is what I wanted, but I wanted it on my terms. I pick at a finger, stopping short of drawing blood this time; there’s already a healing scab. Although most of the dates are further out, she has this Sunday listed and Ryan and I have nothing planned.

BRUNCH THIS SUNDAY? I message back, adding a smiley face.

It’s too soon, but what the hell. Cat and mouse. While waiting for her response, I open my desk drawer, peek down at the half-heart necklace. If Gia’s doing this … she’ll pay.

I’m closing the drawer when she texts ABSOLUTELY! After we set a time and location, I head out, asking Ellie to tell callers I’ll answer them tomorrow, barring an emergency.

This Lauren lives in a run-down rowhouse in Dundalk. Postage-stamp front yards. Street parking. The instant she answers the door, it’s clear she isn’t the right one. This woman is tall and broad hipped. Dark haired. Swallowing my disappointment, I use the same query I used yesterday, but she crosses her arms and cocks a hip.

“I’m sorry to bother you,” I say. “One last question, please. Has anyone else come looking for her?”

“So what’d she do?”

“Excuse me?”

“The other Lauren? If people are looking for her, what did she do?”

“Oh, nothing.”

“Right,” she says, stretching out the word.

I don’t bother to wait for her to close the door. When I’m halfway down the sidewalk, an engine revs. An old grayish-blue Chevy that’s seen better days pulls away from the curb across the street with a belch of smoke. I step back instinctively, although my Jeep is a barrier between me and the street.

Inside, doors locked, I crumple the list of Laurens and throw it on the floor of the passenger seat. I canceled patients for this? What do I do now? Is it worth trying another pay site? What if I get another list with the same names I already have?

No, somehow I have to convince Copyright 2016 - 2024