Dead and Gone Page 0,7

fairy genes.

Maybe I'd just gotten lucky.

Chapter 2

I went into Merlotte's early in the morning - for me, that means eight thirty - to check the bar situation, and I remained to cover Arlene's shift. I'd have to work a double. Thankfully, the lunch crowd was light. I didn't know if that was a result of Sam's announcement or just the normal course of things. At least I was able to make a few phone calls while Terry Bellefleur (who made ends meet with several part-time jobs) covered the bar. Terry was in a good mood, or what passed for a good mood for him; he was a Vietnam vet who'd had a very bad war. At heart he was a good guy, and we'd always gotten along. He was really fascinated by the Weres' revelation; since the war, Terry had done better with animals than people.

"I bet that's why I've always liked to work for Sam," Terry said, and I smiled at him.

"I like to work for him, too," I said.

While Terry kept the beers coming and kept an eye on Jane Bodehouse, one of our alcoholics, I started phoning to find a replacement barmaid. Amelia had told me she would help a little but only at night, because she now had a temporary day job covering the maternity leave of a clerk at the insurance agency.

First I phoned Charlsie Tooten. Charlsie, though sympathetic, told me she had the full care of her grandson while her daughter worked, so she was too tired to come in. I called another former Merlotte's employee, but she'd started work at another bar. Holly had said she could double up once but didn't want to do it more than that because of her little boy. Danielle, the other full-time server, had said the same. (In Danielle's case she had twice the excuse because she had two children.)

So, finally, with a huge sigh to let Sam's empty office know how put-upon I was, I called one of my least favorite people - Tanya Grissom, werefox and former saboteur. It took me a while to track her down, but by calling a couple of people out in Hotshot, I was finally able to reach her at Calvin's house. Tanya had been dating him for a while. I liked the man myself, but when I thought of that cluster of little houses at the ancient crossroads, I shuddered.

"Tanya, how you doing? This is Sookie Stackhouse."

"Really. Hmmm. Hello."

I didn't blame her for being cautious.

"One of Sam's barmaids quit - you remember Arlene? She freaked about the were thing and walked out. I was wondering if you could take over a couple of her shifts, just for a while."

"You Sam's partner now?"

She wasn't going to make this easy. "No, I'm just doing the looking for him. He got called away on a family emergency."

"I was probably on the bottom of your list."

My brief silence spoke for itself.

"I figure we can work together," I said, because I had to say something.

"I got a day job now, but I can help a couple of evenings until you find someone permanent," Tanya said. It was hard to read anything from her voice.

"Thanks." That gave me two temporaries, Amelia and Tanya, and I could take any hours they couldn't. This wouldn't be hard on anyone. "Can you come in tomorrow for the evening shift? If you could be here about five, five thirty, one of us can show you the ropes again, and then you'll be working until the bar closes."

There was a short silence. "I'll be there," Tanya said. "I got some black pants. You got a T-shirt I can wear?"

"Yep. Medium?"

"That'll do me."

She hung up.

Well, I could hardly expect to find her happy to hear from me or delighted to oblige since we'd never been fans of each other. In fact, though I didn't believe she remembered, I'd had her bewitched by Amelia and Amelia's mentor, Octavia. I still squirmed when I thought of how I'd altered Tanya's life, but I didn't think I'd had a lot of choices there. Sometimes you just have to regret things and move on.

Sam called while Terry and I were closing the bar. I was so tired. My head was heavy, and my feet were aching.

"How are things going there?" Sam asked. His voice was rough with exhaustion.

"We're coping," I said, trying to sound perky and carefree. "How's your mom?"

"She's still alive," he said. "She's talking and breathing on her own. The doctor says Copyright 2016 - 2024