Days Of Perdition - Dirk Patton Page 0,73

when some two-bit warlord decided to act out. Granted, it usually happened to coincide with US security interests in the region, but there were still plenty of times it was just because he didn’t like bullies. After Reagan, the backbone in the White House steadily softened until we wound up being openly challenged by every piss ant dictator on the planet.

They knew they could thumb their nose at us and we wouldn’t do anything except whine and cry to the UN and go through a series of self-flagellating exercises in front of the world’s media. Personally, I wished for Teddy Roosevelt to return from the grave. Walk softly and carry a big stick.

The US military was the biggest stick the planet had ever seen, but somehow our politicians decided it was better to talk and threaten and gnash their teeth for months or years while people were dying, or while some regime led by a mad man developed nuclear weapons and openly stated they wanted to use them on us or one of our allies.

International politics are really no different than high school. If someone knows they can do something to you and get away without any real repercussions, guess what? You’re going to find yourself stuffed into your locker with your underwear around your head. But if they know they’ll get a bloody nose for crossing your path, life is generally a much more pleasant experience.

I shook my head, dismissing my musings before I got any more distracted. There wasn’t time to be worrying about things I could do nothing about, or that no longer mattered. I needed to be focusing on watching for infected and listening for shit heels, as Sergeant Timmons had called them. I couldn’t help but grin, thinking I’d probably have become friends with the man if circumstances had been different.

Circling the Suburban, I glanced at Dog who was on high alert but not showing that he was detecting any threats. Stopping at the driver’s side rear door I looked in on Martinez. She sat in the middle of the seat, vest and shirt off as Rachel worked with a suture kit.

“How is she?” I asked, turning my head to check the area.

“Nothing life threatening,” Rachel answered without looking up. “ She took two rounds. One through her left bicep. Tore the muscle up, but missed anything vital. The second one was a through and through in her right breast.”

“Ouch,” I said, taking a closer look at Martinez’ chest.

“No shit, sir.” Martinez gasped in pain as Rachel kept sewing. “But at least now I’ve got an excuse to get the boob job I’ve always wanted.”

I snorted, tried to hold in the laughter but failed. “There’s probably some tire inflator in the back. Want me to grab a can? We can pump up your tits through one of the bullet holes. Save you a fortune in plastic surgeon fees.”

“There’s something seriously wrong with you two,” Rachel said, shaking her head as she worked. “You, go away so I can concentrate. And you, quit laughing unless you want your stitches to look like something from a Frankenstein movie.”

I took the hint and moved on after giving Martinez a wink. Damn the woman was tough. She was sitting there joking but had to be hurting like hell.

Dismissing those thoughts I turned my head when I heard the faint sounds of an engine. The vehicle was still a good distance and the noise echoed in the empty streets, but it sounded like it was approaching from the south. We needed to start moving before we were found again. If they showed up in force we were in trouble.

“How long, Rachel?” I asked.

“Five minutes.” She said.

“You’re going to have to sew while I drive,” I said, Dog and I climbing into the front after I shut the rear doors. “We’re going to have company before then.”

She didn’t say anything, just reached up and turned on the overhead light that had gone out when the last door closed. I started the engine and gently accelerated, not wanting to make the suturing job any more difficult than it already was.

I got us up to 45 and held that speed. Any faster and the wind in my face was too strong and I was constantly having to wipe tears out of my eyes. What I wouldn’t give for a set of goggles or even a pair of glasses. Anything to protect my eyes. Dog, on the other hand, seemed to love the idea Copyright 2016 - 2024