A Date to Play Fore - Heidi McLaughlin Page 0,31

good enough for me. That’s a dad for you. But hopefully, after today, he’ll see how much Greyson loves me and how much I love him. I told them to get to the course soon so they can hear mine and Greyson’s first interview. I’m hoping it’ll ease the tension between Bryan and Greyson. My brother is my best friend. I don’t need his blessing to be with Greyson, but I do want them to get alone one day.

When we get to the golf course, Greyson opens the back of his SUV and I smile at the bag. He stares at it with concern. “Do I get to see what’s in there yet?”

“Yep.” I toss it to him, and he opens it. The first thing that pops out are the feathers on top of the chicken’s head.

His mouth gapes. “Holy shit. You want me to play golf wearing this?”

I shake my head. “Nope. You are going to caddie for me wearing it. I contacted every single news station in the area. They’re going to make sure to document this for the whole world to see.”

His head rears back and he laughs. “Fuck me, this is epic. I should’ve known you’d do something like this.”

I nod at the costume. “Put it on. My tee time’s coming up.”

He pulls out the entire costume and slips it on over his clothes. The chicken hat slips on over his head with the feathers flopping in the wind, but it’s open around his face. This way, everyone can see it’s him. By now, we’ve drawn the attention of everyone in the parking lot. Phones are out and people are snapping pictures. I’m loving every minute of it.

“Okay, caddie, you need to get us a cart,” I tell him.

He smirks at me and struts off. “You got it.” A couple minutes later, he walks out and gets in a cart, the chicken feathers flying all over the place as he drives it over to me. He gets out and straps my clubs to the back of the cart. “All right, we’re ready.”

“Did the guys in the clubhouse say anything to you?” I ask. I called them ahead of time and told them to expect a large crowd. They were happy to accommodate me, especially when I told them about Greyson being in his costume.

He laughs. “They asked permission to put a picture of me in my chicken suit on their website.”

Giggling, I get in the cart. “And you said?”

He slides into the driver’s seat. “I said yeah.” He leans over and kisses me. “I told them this is all my wife’s doing.” By now, there are more cars pulling into the parking lot. I told the news vans nine o’clock and it’s nine on the dot. Greyson points at the long line of cars coming into the parking lot. “Looks like we’re not getting any golf time in just yet.”

I pat his leg. “Oh, we will. I just figured you’d want the interview before you get all hot and sweaty in the suit.”

His grin widens. “I don’t care about that. You’re the one who has to be seen with me.”

A couple of vans pull in close to us and out come the cameras. Greyson waves and walks over to my side, taking my hand. All of the people who were in the parking lot come over to stand behind the cameras, curious to see what’s going on. My parents pull in and join them, along with my brother and his wife.

One of the reporters, Sherry Groves, hurries up and thrusts a microphone in our direction. She was one of the first reporters I contacted to give the scoop, and also a patient of mine from when she had her gallbladder removed two years ago.

“It’s good to see you again, Leah,” she says, giving me a quick hug. I know she wants to be the first person to interview us.

I hug her back and smile. “Same, Sherry.”

She turns to Greyson. “And Mr. Jennings, it’s an honor to formally meet you.”

Greyson nods and shakes her hand. “Likewise.”

A couple more reporters rush toward us, but Sherry moves closer. “I hear a congratulations are in order. You two are married now.”

Greyson drapes his arm over my shoulders. “Thanks, Sherry.”

Sherry giggles. “The pictures are hilarious. You look so cute and in love. I know you broke a lot of hearts.”

Greyson holds me closer. “I knew this one was the one. I couldn’t let her get away.”

“What about your family?” Sherry asks

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