Dart and Dash - Mary Smith Page 0,8

I hated the silence. I couldn’t stand it much longer as everyone continued to eat.

“Garnet, you seemed to have a good time last night.” Dart gave her a sweet smile.

“It was neat.” She picked at her toast. “I assume you drove me home; thank you for that.”

“Ha,” Dash scoffed. “I’m the one that lug your ass up the stairs.”

“Well, thanks.” She gave him a sarcastic grin.

“I’m glad you had fun.” I tried to give her a true smile, but it was hard because she’d been very drunk, and I shouldn’t have let it get that far.

“I’m sure she had a blast passing out in the back seat.” Dash continued.

“You’ve done it too, Dash.” Dart gave him a hard look.

He rolled his eyes at his brother, but didn’t say anymore. We all went back to our food, not saying anything else. Garnet and I helped clean up the kitchen when we were all done. Dart told me that he and Dash were going to lift weights. I gave him a big kiss.

“I’ll see you tonight.” I winked at him.

“You’re not worn out from last night?”

“I’m never tired of you, Dart Terrance.” I pressed my lips hard against his.

“Would you two please get a room?” Dash groaned.

“I’m leaving, Dash, calm down.” I patted his shoulder as I followed Garnet out the door.

I could tell by the way she walked across the street that she was upset about something.

“You could have told them thank you.” I informed her, slamming the front door.

“I have a massive headache, and you practically dragged me over there, when I didn’t want to go.” Garnet raised her voice to me.

“Well, excuse me for trying to make you feel welcome.” I used the same tone as she had with me.

“I’m still hung over. I’m fucking going to bed.” She headed toward the stairs.

“Stop using that language.”

Garnet, my baby sister, turned to me, narrowing her light brown eyes. Her face was stone, almost scary. “I don’t think you got the fucking memo, but Mom’s dead, and I sure as hell don’t need another one. I don’t want your pity, or your fucking welcome wagon. I’ve been doing just fine without you for the last three years.”

I couldn’t say a single word. My heart broke at her words, and I watched her run away from me.

Chapter 5 – Dart

“One more, Dash. Come on.” I pushed him to do one more bench-press.

Dash grunted as he pushed up on the heavyweights with all his might. I spotted him until he dropped it into the holder. He sat up, breathing hard, sweat rolling down the sides of his face.

“Good job, brother.” I slapped his back.

“Thanks,” he panted. “You want to go another round?”

I shook my head. “My arms are already burning. We’ve been here for a while now.”

He nodded. “Let’s head home. I need to shower anyway.” He wiped his brow with the bottom of his shirt.

“Me too,” I picked up our bags and checked my phone. I had several missed calls and texts from Daisy. “Shit,” I exhaled.

“What now? Was the sorority girl unable to decide on which nail color to wear this month?” Dash fake gasped.

“Enough,” I told him. “I guess Daisy and Garnet got into an argument. I need to go check in on her.”

Dash took a deep breath. “Of course,” he mumbled.

I ignored his attitude and headed off to the car. I sent Daisy a text telling her I needed to clean up, and then I would be over.

The plan was get home and take a quick shower before calling Daisy to come over. However, when I walked into my bedroom she was already laying on my bed.

“Daisy,” I kneeled beside her on the floor. “Are you okay?”

Her golden brown eyes were puffy, and I could tell she had been crying a lot.

“Oh, Daisy,” I wrapped my arms around her. “It’ll be okay.”

“I don’t think so.” Her voice cracked.

“Hey,” I pulled back. “How about we jump on the bike and go for a ride? Just you and me.”

Daisy nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes.

I took a quick shower and when I was ready I grabbed the keys, yelled to Dash that we were taking the bike, and headed to the garage. When Dash bought the bike, I automatically got Daisy and I matching helmets. Sure, it was girly, but I knew she’d like it. Dash originally said he’d never let me ride the bike, but I knew that wouldn’t last long, especially when he gave me a key.

Once Daisy

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