Dart and Dash - Mary Smith Page 0,6

leave her side, but I totally did.

I was pushing my way through the sweaty people toward the front door, when I slammed into some guy’s back.

“Sorry,” I shouted over the music. “Hey, Dash,” I said when he turned around.

“Hello, Garnet, you look drunk.”

“Is that a compliment?” I could feel myself swaying from side-to-side.

“Trust me; it’s not. Where’s your sister?” he grabbed my arm to hold me in place.

“Um…” My head fell back and I tried to figure out what I was thinking.

“Shit. Come on, let’s find her.” Dash jerked on my arm, causing me to almost fall. He continued until we were both outside.

It was so humid you could have cut it with a knife. Right now, however, my only concern was enjoying the tingling sensation from all the alcohol in my body. I closed my eyes, trying to take it all in.

I could hear Daisy’s voice but it sounded far away. She and Dash were arguing, at least I thought they were. He released my arm, and I fell up against something hard. When I cracked my one eye open to see, it was Dart’s car. I rotated slightly seeing, Daisy and Dash in front of me, with Dart in between them.

“Don’t tell me how to take care of my sister, Dash,” Daisy yelled at him.

“Well, maybe if you watched her more closely, she wouldn’t be so drunk, and falling all over the place.” He pointed at me.

“Everyone calm down.” Dart told them. “Let’s get her home.”

“I wanna stay.” I said. Well, I think I said it.

“Hell no, get in the car.” Dash opened the door. “I’m done babysitting.”

“Grow up, Dash.” Daisy continued to raise her voice, “You helped her outside, that was it.”

“Excuse me,” Dash stepped closer to my sister. “Weren’t you the one that told your dad that you would watch out for her?”

“I know what I told him,” she growled at him. “I was letting her have some fun.”

“You bitched at her earlier for a couple beers and now look at her.” Dash continued with the same tone.

“Enough, both of you.” Dart opened the front passenger door. “Daisy, get in, and let’s go home.”

She cut Dash another mean look before reluctantly getting into the car. I finally fell into the backseat.

I lay out on the plush soft leather and closed my eyes, letting the alcohol-induced calmness take me over.

Chapter 4 – Daisy

I lay in my bed, replaying the night in my head. I know I promised Dad that I would look out for Garnet, but I didn’t think that she was really that bad; until I saw her last night.

I had been wrong.

I took a deep breath and tried to figure out what I was going to do to fix it. The sad thing was I had no clue.

“Stop worrying,” Dart mumbled next to me.

“I thought you were still asleep.” I curled up into his side.

“Nah, I could hear your brain working, and it woke me.” He kissed the top of my head.

“Ha. Ha,” I laughed sarcastically at him. “I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with Garnet.”

“Daisy,” Dart’s voice was firm. “Let her work through it on her own. She’ll figure it out.” He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly.

Garnet had never been this way before. After Mom died, she’d changed from the amazing person she’d been.

“I love you, Daisy.”

I smiled, looking up at Dart’s beautiful blue eyes. “I love you.”

I stayed in his arms all night; until he told me he had to go home. It was Sunday morning and Dash always cooked on Sunday. I would go over when it was ready. It was something that they had always done.

After I got cleaned up and dressed, I went into Garnet’s room. Just like when she was a little kid, she’d kicked the blanket off, and was only curled up with a sheet.

Last night, I tried to wipe away as much of her black makeup as I could, but I could still see traces under her eyes. I studied her face and saw the features of my baby sister. The one who was tender hearted, the dancer, and my best friend. I knew she was still in there, but I needed to break down hard shell that she was hiding behind.


She didn’t move.

“Garnet,” I said louder, shaking her.

She moaned.

“Garnet.” I shook her harder.

“Go away.” Her voice was husky as she started waking up.

“No, get up. We need to go over to Dart’s place for breakfast.”

She popped her eyes open. “Do I

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