Dart and Dash - Mary Smith Page 0,35

Dash shut his book and pushed it away, setting his elbows on the table. “You want to marry Daisy?”

“I’m not sure why you’re shocked by this. We’ve been a couple for over three years. We’ve already made plans for our future after we graduate in May. You know this.”

“What if you get drafted?”

“Dash,” I gave him a serious look. “You know as well as I do, I’m not going to the NFL. Don’t act like you don’t know my future plans with Daisy.”


“No, Dash. No ‘but’. Daisy’s my soulmate. She’s my life, and I want to marry her.”

We didn’t drop our gaze from each other as he took in everything I’d said to him.

“Dart, you are my twin, and I love you. If you want to marry Daisy and run off into the sunset together, then I’ll be there for you.”

“Wow,” I blinked a few times, shocked by his words. “Sex with Garnet is really changing you.”

He smiled. “Well, it’s good sex.”

“I don’t want to know.” I covered my ears, shaking my head side to side.

Dash laughed. “Fine, but when did you want to go shopping?”


“Well, I don’t know anything about rings, do you?”

“Shit,” I dropped my head into my hands. “I have no clue either.”

“You could use your secret weapon.”


Dash rolled his eyes. “Garnet. Garnet is your secret weapon.”

“Oh yeah,” I didn’t even think about her helping me out.

“Hang on.” Dash reached for his phone. When she answered, he asked her to come over to our house.

A few moments later, she walked in. “All right, what’s up?”

“Go ahead, Dart. Tell her.” Dash smiled.

I took a deep breath and told her everything. Garnet’s eyes grew big with excitement.

“Wow, she’s going to be so happy. Dart, I mean it when I say congratulations.”

“Thanks, but I have two favors to ask of you.”


“One, please don’t tell her. Two, I don’t know anything about rings. Could you help me?”

“I won’t say anything and hell yeah, I’ll help. When are we going?”

“Right now.” My heart was beating joyously at the fact everything was coming together smoothly.

“Let me run and grab my purse.” She raced out our house.

“Well, come on Dart, let’s go get a ring.” Dash stood up, slapped my shoulder, and headed out the door.

Chapter 22 – Dash

The mall was busy when the three of us walked in. I held Garnet’s hand, as we made our way to the jewelry store. When we reached the counter, all I could see was sparkling diamonds and they all looked similar.

Garnet went in full girl mode and started talking to the clerk. It was like she was speaking a foreign language. Cut, carat, sizes, color, it all confused the hell out of me.

“Okay,” Garnet and the sales person held out two diamond rings. “I’ve narrowed it down to these two.”

“What are you thinking, Garnet?” Dart asked, looking as bewildered as I had been.

“Well, this one,” she nodded at the one in her left hand, “is a two carat, princess cut, platinum. And this one,” she nodded at her right hand, “is a two carat, emerald cut, in white gold.”

At the same time all three of us said, “Princess.” The clerk laughed, and then asked what size. Garnet told her, and Dart handed her his credit card. Because it was already in Daisy’s size, he was able to take the ring with him.

We stopped at Starbucks to grab a quick drink. When we sat down, Garnet and Dart started talking, and I drifted into my own thoughts as I stared at her.

Was it possible that she was more beautiful today than yesterday? Her red hair hung loose, and her makeup wasn’t as dark as usual. Garnet’s gray t-shirt was tight around her breasts, and the words Team Daryl were written across the front. Her light colored jeans were cut just right because I’d stared at her firm ass while we stood in line for coffee.

But, her smile made my heart race. It wasn’t that fake smile like some girls wore. It was her true self. It was Garnet.

When we finally made it back to the house, Dart gave Garnet a hug and thanked her for helping him. He lightly pushed on my shoulder as he walked into the house, leaving us alone in the driveway.

“What are your plans right now?”

“Um,” Garnet looked down. “I have plans.”


“I wanted to see if you wanted to go, but you can’t say anything.”

“Are we going to the library?” it was the first place I thought of where you couldn’t do that.


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