Dart and Dash - Mary Smith Page 0,27

Friday, and I should be planning which party I was going to hit. Instead, I was standing in front of Garnet’s door. I had been avoiding her like the plague. But, I couldn’t do it anymore.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. This was either going to work, or she was never going to speak to me again.

Garnet swung the door open. Gorgeous was the only word to describe her. She had on gray wide leg pants and a light purple T-shirt with a rainbow on it.


I handed her the flyer, not uttering a word. I had ripped it down from the bulletin board when I saw it today. She looked at the paper, and I could see that she was debating on whether to go. I prayed that she would come with me.

Garnet looked up at me with her light brown eyes. “You’re an ass.”

I gave her a small grin, knowing she was right.

“You owe me.” She growled, but grabbed her purse hanging on a hook next to the door.

My grin deepened as we walked to campus. I had the urge to hold her hand and kiss her lips more than I’d ever wanted. We didn’t say anything as we walked into the building, into the room of the Edgar Allan Poe reading.

Today was another favorite of mine, Annabel Lee. I’ve always loved this poem, because it was the first one of his I’d ever read.

I sat as close to Garnet as I possibly could. She folded her hands in her lap and didn’t even glance at me.

When it started, my heart raced a little. It always had at the words of the poem. Poe’s words are strong as the narrator describes his love for Annabel Lee.

Right before my favorite line was read aloud, I reached over, untangled Garnet’s fingers, and lace them with mine.

But we loved with a love that was more than love.

After I confessed everything to Dart last Saturday, I laid in my bed thinking about love. I remember talking to Mom about when she fell in love with Dad. Dart was a lot like Mom, very emotional and romantic. I was more like Dad, direct and to the point.

However, it was different with Garnet because my feelings for her were something I’d never felt for anybody else.

Did I love her?

My first thought was maybe. Mom had explained to me that after she met Dad, he was all she could think about. Mom said when you truly love something, you wanted it, or thought about it, all the time.

I’ve been that way with Garnet. She had been on my mind for quite a while now. I rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. When I glanced at her, she was still facing forward, as if I wasn’t there.

Once the reading was over and we were outside, I was thankful for the cool air because I was overheated right now with her so close to me.

“Bye, Dash,” was all she said as she started to walk away.

I gripped her hand holding her in place. “We need to talk.”

“No, we don’t.”

“Well, then you need to listen while I’ll talk.” I said more firmly to her.

“Fine. Tell me what’s so important.”

“I need to apologize.”

“So, you’re sorry for kissing me?”

I heard the hurt in her voice. I stepped right up to her. “No, I’m not sorry. Not one bit. Although, I shouldn’t have done it the way I did. I left, when I should’ve stayed.” I whispered the truth to her.

Garnet’s mouth dropped a little as she took in my words.

“Listen, I have practice tomorrow, but no game. Would you please go out on a date with me?”

“What?” She breathed out.

“Okay, I know I haven’t asked a girl out in a long time, but I don’t think I did it wrong.” I teased her, trying to ease our tension.

“I…I…” she stammered. “I don’t know.”

Now, I was taken aback. “Why?”

Garnet pulled her hand away from me. “Dash, I’m going to be brutally honest. You confuse me. One minute you’re this nice guy and then the next you’re dragging me out of a party. Plus, let’s not forget you kissed me and then ran off. So don’t act shocked if I’m not jumping up and down right now.”

I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jeans, and I looked down at the sidewalk. I took a deep breath, thinking about the words she’d said.

“Now, it’s my turn,” I raised my eyes to her porcelain face. “I have feelings for

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