Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity) Page 0,57

. . . can’t.”

With a tiny sound of distress her head flopped forward and Roke sensed her consciousness slip away.

“Shit.” He glared down at the top of her head. Now what?

The sensible thing to do would be to return her to the dungeons and let Styx deal with her.

Once he revealed that he was susceptible to the female’s powers (yeah, and wouldn’t that be a fun and jolly confession?) the Anasso would be careful to assign a new guard to keep watch on her.

But even as the thought crossed through his mind, he was shoving it aside. Not just because he didn’t want to share his spectacular failure with Styx. But because he could still feel the damned woman lodged deep inside him.

When she woke, she was going to remove whatever curse she’d put on him.


Then he was returning to Nevada and Styx could shove the prophet’s vague warning up his ass.

Chapter 14

The middle of nowhere, Louisiana

Nefri returned from her search of the countryside to join Santiago at his vehicle.

While the male vampire had been burying the bodies of Melinda’s drinking companions to prevent any lingering infection, Nefri had left Levet keeping watch over the sleeping girl while she’d scouted for any signs of Gaius.

She couldn’t shake the sensation that she was missing something.

Something that might very well be the difference between success and failure.

But no matter how hard she tried to pinpoint her source of unease, it slipped away as swiftly as a mist fairy.

Stepping around the bed of the truck, the nagging sensation was abruptly forgotten at the sight of Santiago leaning against the driver’s side door.

What was it about this vampire that sent a shock of excitement through her just by catching sight of him?

She was an ancient clan chief who’d assumed she had seen and done everything possible.

But this . . .

It made her feel as if she were a giddy foundling who had yet to gain command of her hungers.

The logical part of her understood the sensations he aroused were dangerous. Not only to her hard-earned control, but to the part of her that was still very much a woman.

But a larger part of her accepted that there was no way to fight what was happening between her and this gorgeous, sexy vampire. There seemed no choice but to allow their relationship to develop to an inevitable conclusion.

Whatever that conclusion might be.

Almost on cue, Santiago turned to send her one of those smiles she felt to the tips of her toes.

“Anything?” he demanded.

With an effort, Nefri returned her mind to Gaius and his odd behavior. It was certainly more pressing than her girlish reaction to a charming male.

“The emotions were far more contained than those near Gaius’s lair,” she said, moving to stand near Santiago while her gaze returned to the schoolhouse.

“I assume he just stopped by for a quick snack,” Santiago said. “No doubt the longer he stays in one spot the further his infections spread.”


“You don’t sound convinced.”

She shifted her gaze to meet his frown. “I agree with your logic.”


“But I don’t understand his need for any snack, quick or otherwise.”

He considered her words. “Because he didn’t feed while he was with your clan?”

“No, since his return to this world he’s clearly indulged his most primitive hungers, but he’s a very old vampire. He shouldn’t have to feed so often.” Nefri grimaced. The Harpies had claimed they’d found corpses disposed of in the swamps, not to mention the crazed human male they were holding captive. “Especially not after he seemingly gorged before leaving his lair.”

“Unless he’s still recovering from injuries,” Santiago suggested. “We don’t know how badly he was hurt during the battle with the Dark Lord.”

“It’s possible.”

The dark eyes narrowed. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m wondering if the spirit is somehow draining Gaius,” she said slowly.

Santiago straightened from the truck, taking time to mull over her suggestion. “You mean feeding off him?”

She shrugged. “It’s just a theory.”

“It makes as much sense as anything else.”

Not the most comforting assurance considering nothing about Gaius or the spirit made sense.

“Can you feel Gaius?”

He closed his eyes, concentrating on his connection to his sire. “I know he’s north of us.”

“Are we gaining on him?”

“We are,” he said after a beat. He opened his eyes. “It feels like he’s settled in one place.”

Yet another anomaly. She shook her head in frustration “Odd, isn’t it?”


“He doesn’t expect to be followed.”

“He always was arrogant.”

“But not stupid.”

Santiago easily followed her train of thought. “You suspect Gaius is setting an ambush?”

“It’s rather

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