Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity) Page 0,32

harmless, but one misspoken word and he’d find himself being roasted by a barrage of fireballs.

“I’m always delighted to be in the company of beautiful women.”

She licked her lips. “How beautiful?”

“As beautiful as a freshly bloomed orchid.”

“Would you like to touch?”

His lips twisted. The female couldn’t know how much her simple question troubled him. She was tender, exquisite, and oozing with sexual invitation. Only a eunuch wouldn’t want to toss her on the sofa and give in to temptation.

But his body remained stubbornly indifferent to the pleasures the woman had on offer, his fangs refusing to lengthen, and his cock unimpressed. Instead, he was wracked by a compulsive need to find Nefri and make sure she hadn’t been hurt.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have time to enjoy the delights of Harpy hospitality.”

“Why not? Your female is busy with the Matron.” Abruptly straightening, Charis strolled toward him, running a finger down the line of her throat. “And I brought you dinner.”

His short burst of laughter held no humor. “It looks delicious, of course, and I can’t express how desperately I wish I wanted a sip or two.”

She halted, her brow furrowing in confusion. “Aren’t you hungry?”

“My appetite seems to have become extremely selective,” he said dryly.

The gray eyes flashed with anger, but Harpies had rigid rules of protocol and Charis had been well trained. “Very well,” she conceded defeat. “If you would prefer another female, that can be arranged.”

“I would prefer to return to my companion.”

“Why? You’re not mated.”

He shivered at the mere thought. This . . . obsession with her was bad enough. How much worse would it be if they were actually mated?


Aware that the Harpy was waiting for his response, he managed a thin smile. “I’ve pledged to protect her.”

“She’s in no immediate danger,” Charis said, her expression petulant. “And she won’t be leaving until we’re satisfied she isn’t responsible for the nasty humans invading our lands.”

Santiago’s irritation was replaced by a sharp curiosity. This had to be the reason they’d been forced to the Harpy nest. “Nasty humans?”

Charis wrinkled her nose. “They carry violence with them, infecting the entire area with their madness.”

Hmmm. He folded his arms over his chest. “Why do you think Nefri or I might be involved?”

“The Matron hasn’t shared her suspicions with the younger warriors, but the humans were bitten by two fangs. Most of us assumed it was a vampire who infected them.” She sent him a questioning gaze. “What else could it be?”

Gaius. It had to be.

He could feel it in his very bones.

“Yes, what else,” he muttered.

“Can we play now?”

Santiago barely noticed as Charis moved close enough to tug the leather band from his hair, allowing it to spill down his back. He was far more interested in the scent of jasmine and feminine power that sliced through him like a bolt of lightning.

Suddenly the hunger that Charis hadn’t been able to stir was charging through him at full throttle, hardening and lengthening his body in all the right places.

Hiding a smile of anticipation, he covertly watched as Nefri strolled into the room, her body stiffening at the sight of the young Harpy running her fingers through his hair.

“Maybe later,” he murmured softly, gently dislodging her fingers and pushing her away. “Can we have some privacy, Charis?”

With yet another toss of her head, Charis headed toward the door, pausing to send a flirtatious smile over her shoulder. “I’ll be in the common rooms if you change your mind.”

Waiting until the Harpy had disappeared down the hallway, Nefri offered Santiago a smile frigid enough to give him frostbite. “Please don’t let me interrupt.”

His lips twitched, his eyes running a slow survey down her rigid body. Even with her jeans covered in swamp muck and her hair tangled, she appeared as regally beautiful as always.

Perhaps it wasn’t so shocking that no other woman could satisfy him. None could possibly compare to this magnificent female.

“Jealous, querida?” he taunted, moving to stand directly in front of her.

“Tired,” she corrected him, clearly hoping that he didn’t notice the way her dark eyes dilated with arousal. “The Matron has kindly extended an invitation for us to remain within her nest until nightfall.”

He was instantly distracted. “Invitation or command?”

“We’re not prisoners if that’s what you’re asking, but dawn is less than an hour away.” She gave a dismissive lift of one shoulder. “It seemed preferable to remain here than to risk being caught without a suitable place to rest.”

His eyes narrowed. “And you’ve come to discuss your decisions with

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