Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity) Page 0,125

before he went “caveman” and simply hauled her off, Viper moved to stand at his side.

“Are you sure about this?” his former clan chief asked, looking like a Regency dandy in his ivory velvet coat trimmed in gold thread complete with knee breeches. His long silver hair was pulled back with a matching velvet ribbon and his midnight black eyes held a lazy amusement that didn’t entirely disguise his lethal power. “Living with a clan chief isn’t easy.”

“Never more sure,” Santiago answered without hesitation, a smile of utter contentment curving his lips. “And she’s a very special clan chief.”

“You got me there,” Viper admitted. “Still . . .”


“You’re leaving me in the lurch here.”

Santiago laughed at his companion’s petulant tone. “Why, Viper, I didn’t know you cared.”

Viper snorted. “You’re a pain in the ass, but you’re one of the best managers I’ve ever had. Who the hell is going to replace you at the club?”


Viper hesitated, considering Santiago’s recommendation with a frown. “She has the brains,” he slowly conceded. “But she’s distinctly lacking the brawn.”

Santiago shrugged. He didn’t doubt for a minute that the shrewd imp could easily fill his shoes. And he owed her one. Not only for what had happened with Gaius, but because of the fact he’d failed to realize she’d hoped for more than a mere employer-employee relationship.

“You have plenty of brawn,” Santiago pointed out. “What you need is someone competent, creative, trustworthy, and capable of remaining calm when everything is going to hell.” He folded his arms over his chest. “And it doesn’t hurt that she’s beautiful enough to make grown demons beg for a smile.”

“I suppose I can give her a chance,” Viper conceded.

“Good.” He slapped his friend on the back. “Of course, you’ll need to keep an eye on her.”


“Because there are several other club owners who have tried to lure her away over the years,” he said. “And without my charming presence to keep her loyal . . .”

Viper was moving toward the nearest door before Santiago could even finish.

Santiago chuckled, then sensing the approach of his soon-to-be mate, he turned to wrap an arm around her slender waist, tugging her close to his side.


She readily leaned against him, a serene smile on her exquisite face.

“Why was Viper scowling?”


She gave an absent nod, clearly something on her mind. “Santiago . . .”

“No, I’m not going to miss the club,” he interrupted her, stealing a swift kiss. Just because he could. “And before you start worrying about my brothers, I intend to return and visit if and when I find myself missing them.” He gazed deep into her eyes, allowing her to see the love that consumed him. “When I’m not busy with my new family.”

A smile brighter than the sun spread across her face, her hand reaching to grab his fingers in a tight grip. “Are you ready?”

“For you?” He held her tight as the world began to melt away. “Always.”

Roke drained his glass of blood as he watched Santiago and Nefri disappear from view.

About fucking time.

Styx had commanded that he attend the stupid party, despite his foul mood.

His duty was now officially done.

Setting aside his glass, Roke was on the point of slipping through a side door when the cool wash of power warned him of his Anasso’s approach.

“Roke,” Styx drawled. “Surely you’re not going to run away so soon?”

Forced to halt, Roke scowled at his king, who was wearing a white silk shirt and black dress pants that didn’t make him any more civilized than usual.

Not that Roke had any room to judge fashion. He was wearing his customary jeans, leather jacket, and knee-high moccasins.

“I told you I didn’t want to come.”

Styx smiled, lifting his glass to sip the expensive cognac.

“You tell me a lot of things.”

“And you never listen.”

“Well, you’ll be pleased to know that as soon as Sally is feeling up to traveling you’re free to go in search of her father.”

Roke’s scowl deepened.


Of course he should be pleased.

He should be dancing with joy.

He’d been straining at the leash to leave this damned lair so he could track down Sally’s father. How else could he break the mating?

But strangely, he’d devoted the past three days to ignoring Sally’s pleas to be released so she could begin the hunt, telling himself she was too weak to risk leaving.

He’d also assured himself that his hesitation had nothing to do with his growing bond with the female and everything to do with the agony of watching her lie as still as

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