The Darkest Knight (Guardians of Camelot #3) - Victoria Sue Page 0,66

a show on TV.”

“This is nonsense,” Ali said, curling her fist.

“Is it?” Mel said mildly and looked at Charles. “You’re the only other Tresor here, Charles. I’m betting you don’t have a fate line.”

Charles tried to swallow down his suddenly dry throat, but he didn’t look at his hands, and Mel didn’t push it. Mel turned back to Roxy. “It doesn’t mean anything, the palm thing anyway. It’s just something Tom and I thought was funny. The real point is that the spell that Merlin used split the soul—to make the Tresors—meant that they cannot defeat evil until both are joined.”

Roxy nodded. “You said that the night I arrived.” She looked at Ali. “You just left off the part about my death causing yours.”

“Do you blame me?” Ali burst out. “In the space of an hour, I turned your life upside down. I wasn’t going to add that burden as well.”

Roxy reached out, and Ali clasped her hand. “Is there anything else?”

Ali shook her head. “I’m sure there are a ton of things I haven’t remembered, but no, nothing like that.”

“Okay then,” Roxy said and stood up. “You’d better make sure you have my back.”

Ali huffed out a disbelieving breath. “I think it might be a case of you having mine.”

No one saw Charles surreptitiously glance at his hand or the first smile that had graced his face in what felt like eons as he saw what he had missing.

Everything hurt so much the last thing Kay wanted to do was open his eyes, but he needed to see if he was alone and blinked slowly.

“I am so sorry.”

Kay focused on Galahad and briefly considered closing his eyes again, but seeing the misery in Galahad’s forced them open. “It’s not your fault.”

“It is. I was the catalyst.”

“You were a child,” Kay argued and glanced at his chest, half expecting to see it torn open, and his breath hitched in sheer relief at the unblemished skin. He looked over at Galahad when he didn’t get a reply. “And you were fooled by evil. Anyone would have made the choice you did.” Kay glanced over at Galahad. “I can’t imagine what you’ve been through all these years. It would send any man insane. You are incredibly brave.”

“Like I said, I am kept in stasis when I am not needed for blood. I can only wake when the magic lessens.”

“Like now?” Kay sat up, wincing. “That’s why you are here with me.”

Galahad nodded slowly.

“Is something happening?” Kay’s heart lurched. Charles.

“Yes, you are here. Your presence has kept me awake, and a new Tresor woke me in the first place.”

“Roxy,” Kay agreed.

“Your sister.”

Kay nodded. He certainly felt like that about her. Galahad smiled a little. Kay looked around at the empty space again. “We need to work out how to escape, but I don’t even know where we are.”

“No, you just need to hang on. As soon as the magic is stretched thin, I can send you back. If I don’t hurry, your Tresor will come for you anyway.”

Kay’s heart leaped. “He will? You know that?”

Galahad smiled. “He loves you very much.”

A warmth slid through Kay. “Does he?”

“You know he does. He just doesn’t think he is worthy.” Galahad drew in a long breath. “You both have things to learn about yourselves. Important things.”

Kay studied Galahad’s face. He suddenly sounded a lot older. The first time Mel and Tom had seen him, they had described him as a teenager, but Kay disagreed. He certainly looked young, but if he didn’t know he would certainly guess older than Tom.

“I am aging each time I wake.”

“You know what I’m thinking?”

“A little, but you have a very expressive face.”

Kay nodded. Mel had warned him never to play poker. Then he realized exactly what Galahad said. “You can’t just send me back. We both need to get free.”

Sorrow flickered in Galahad’s eyes. “I can’t.”

“Why? You don’t really think Lance would leave you here?”

“It’s not that simple. My ability, all magic, is finite.”

Kay nodded. “Mel says that. He says magic doesn’t exist in a bubble, and taking bits for spells weakens magic elsewhere.”

Galahad nodded. “Exactly, which is why I cannot go.”

Kay frowned. “But that doesn’t make sense. We want to pull your magic away from Mordred.”

“You can’t. Not yet.” Galahad glanced to the space beside them that seemed to stretch endlessly as if he might hear something, then back to Kay. “When she got me to drink the potion, it didn’t just control my magic, it tied me to Copyright 2016 - 2024