The Darkest Knight (Guardians of Camelot #3) - Victoria Sue Page 0,60

face a steel mask, but her hazel eyes flashed with all the warnings she was biting back. Lance expertly defended a downward thrust, and crouching, used a sideswipe of his foot to take Roxy’s legs out from under her. He immediately stopped and extended a hand.

She grinned and allowed herself to be helped up. “If we were fighting properly, this is at the point where I stab you with a knife.”

“If we were fighting properly, you would never have lived to get to your feet,” Lance countered. “You fight well, if a little formally, but I can understand that.”

Ali relaxed a little. “If it’s any consolation, that’s what he accused me of.”

“So you want me to take the gloves off?”

“I don’t know how you can even lift the damn sword,” Tom said in awe.

Roxy smiled but didn’t take her eyes off Lance. “It feels like me.”

Charles’s eyes narrowed and happened to glance at Mel, who was watching them both intently. He turned back as the sound of steel striking steel rang out, and then Roxy raised her sword a fraction quicker than Lance, who raised his own to block her. Then Roxy leaned back, taking Lance off guard, as if she was trying to avoid him, but instead brought her right foot up and the kick connected with Lance’s groin.

Every knight present covered their own in response as Lance went to his knees.

Ali let out a whoop of triumph, and Roxy lowered her sword, solemnly extending her hand to where Lance was crouched. “You do not need a knife, my lady,” Lance managed to gasp out, his gaze a mixture of pain and humor as she helped him to his feet.

Mel rushed over, and the knights relaxed. Roxy was suitably congratulated and Lance helped from the room by Mel.

“That was amazing,” Tom said. “You won.”

Roxy smiled and offered the sword back to Ali as she helped her take the protective padding off. “I would love if that was actually the case, but if he hadn’t been holding back, he would have had me in the first five minutes. I’m afraid I took advantage he would be going easy on me.”

“That was impressive,” Ali murmured, holding the sword. “But how are you so comfortable with it? You are the same height as me and less conditioned.”

Roxy scoffed. “Less conditioned? Do you have any idea how much effort it takes to maintain my body? You talk about never getting a day off—well, neither do I. The days when I don’t go to the gym, I run. I do cardio for an hour every single day. For the last twenty years, I have had to think about every piece of food I eat, every time I go out in the sun. I’ve had to look my best after working for fourteen hours straight.”

“You’re right,” Ali admitted. “That was ill thought. I am sorry.”

“All I’m saying is we do this and I’m your full partner in everything.”

“Agreed,” Ali said solemnly. “After seeing you with the sword, I have no doubt you are capable.” Roxy hesitated again, and Ali tilted her head assessingly. “You already pointed out we have to trust each other. Say what’s on your mind.”

Roxy glanced down at the sword. “It feels like mine. A part of me, and I can’t explain it.”

Ali smiled. “Then maybe that’s why it never felt like mine. All these years, it’s been waiting for its rightful owner.”

“For real?” Roxy said, her voice tinged with a little awe.

Ali held her hand out. “Let’s talk.” Roxy took it, and with eyes only for each other, both left the room and jogged upstairs.

“I thought they’d spent days talking,” Tom said, the bewilderment clear in his voice.

Gawain nodded. “But I think this is the first conversation they are about to have as equals. Roxy has been independent and taking care of herself for a long time. I think Ali needed to see that.”

Charles glanced over at Gawain. “Would you look at something for me?”

Gawain nodded, and they both walked to the kitchen. “Coffee?”

“Yes,” Charles agreed. “But I’ll make it.” Complete with coffee after a couple of minutes, Charles followed Gawain into the office. “I’ve been thinking.”

“This is where Mel would make some joke.” Gawain accepted the cup and sat in his regular chair in front of the bank of computer screens. Charles took his to the large table and placed it far away from the notebooks, even if they were in plastic protectors. “Do you remember I said I felt Copyright 2016 - 2024